Sunday 5 December 2021

Activities for advent week 1

 Sunday Suggestion Box 1


Decorate the Christmas tree together. As you hang ornaments, reflect and talk about how the evergreen tree symbolises life in the middle of winter even as Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. When you glance at the twinkling lights, remember that Jesus is the Light of the World, and He calls us to be shining lights in the darkness. Consider making ornaments to remind you of Jesus’ names. 


Bake biscuits/cookies for your postman, bin collector, or others who regularly care for your needs with little thanks. Write a personal card celebrating the birth of the King of kings, who was born for the high and the lowly.


Make Christmas cards for families in hospitals or hospices, whose holiday season is filled with worry and grief. Pray that Jesus, the One who saves, may fill their hearts with hope.


Participate in a program like the food bank or the Salvation Army, and buy gifts for needy children near you.


Help decorate your church for Christmas, and listen to gospel-rich, Jesus-centred carols that reinforce the reason for the season.

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