Saturday 11 December 2021

Suggestion box 2

 Saturday/Sunday suggestion box


Make snowflakes by cutting out patterns on simple white paper. On one side, write out prayer requests from your family, your community, or around the world. On the other side, write out a Bible verse that speaks to each request. Then hang them around your living room, pausing to pray as you tape each one up, and continuing to pray whenever you walk through your winter wonderland.


Act out the nativity story, either as a play, a musical, or a puppet show. If you have little ones, you could practice it several times over the course of Advent, and then stage an event for the grandparents and extended family. Even if you don’t have children at home, consider acting out the story anyway — little details come alive when we place ourselves in the scene.


Sing gospel-centred Christmas carols that centre your heart and attention on Jesus. Find an old hymnal you can thumb through for suggestions.


Memorise a Christmas verse or a verse that features a name of Jesus that has stood out to you this week. Write it out on a piece of paper and carry it with you. 


Gift handmade nativity ornaments. You could draw a little nativity scene, or a star, or write out a name of Jesus. Or, if you’re more artistic, draw a lion, a lamb, a shepherd, or a vine. You could make an entire set of coordinating ornaments based on the names of Jesus.


Write a letter to Jesus, responding to what you’ve learned about Him this week. Thank Him for who He is, confess any sins that have accumulated in your life, and ask Him to give you a deeper love and understanding of Him. Then surrender any area of your life that is hurting this Christmas season, and ask Him to fill you with His joy.


Play “traveling wise men” with your nativity set. Set up the scene as you normally would, but instead of placing the wise men with the rest of the figurines, place them in the farthest corner of the house. Each day, move them closer and closer to the nativity set, until they finally reach the baby Jesus.

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