Sunday 5 December 2021




When he [King Herod] had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born.



Christ” is the Greek translation of the Hebrew term Messiah, which means “the Anointed One.” In Old Testament times, anointing signified being set aside for service, particularly as a king or priest. Jesus came not as an anointed one but as the Anointed One, both King and Priest, set apart not by any man but by God Himself.

When John the Baptist appeared on the scene, his contemporaries were attracted to his fierce preaching and rugged appearance. Many were convinced he was the Messiah, but he repeatedly told them he was only the forerunner, and called the people to repent in preparation for the Messiah’s arrival. The scene was set, and many waited with bated breath to meet the One who would deliver them from all their enemies.

Except Jesus wasn’t what they expected. The Jews wanted a military leader who would liberate them from Roman oppression — but Jesus was meek and quiet in spirit. They wanted an established leader, one the rulers of the world would listen to and respect — but Jesus was born in questionable circumstances and possessed no earthly valuables. They wanted a poster child for Jewish superiority — but Jesus hung out with outcasts and upended cultural norms. In short, many Jews were disappointed in Jesus, but the Christ did not come to win a popularity contest.

Jesus is the One on whom all history hinges. All kings and priests before Jesus pointed to Him, prophets spoke of Him, the Magi brought gifts for Him, John the Baptist prepared the people for Him, and the Father anointed Him. And as we move forward, we still look back, counting the years since His coming (the dating system we use today is based on the number of years since Jesus’ approximate birth) and circling calendar events celebrating His birth, death, and resurrection.

Jesus was God’s answer to Israel’s prayers, He was the Messiah, but they rejected Him. “He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (Jn 1.11–12). So gratefully we celebrate Him as the Christ, the Anointed One not just for Israel, but for all humankind who believe in Him.




Lord, what a privilege to be included in Your family. Forgive me for assuming I know all about You and trying to fit You in a box. Though I can never fathom Your all in all, help me continue learning about Your character. What hope You brought all of us who would have otherwise been lost!

In Jesus’s name, Amen 


If you want to read more 


Job 19:25; Daniel 9:25; Matthew 2:4; 16:16; Luke 9:20; John 1:41

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