Thursday 9 December 2021

Holy One of God



We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.

JOHN 6.69


There is something about holiness that scares us, and rightfully so.

In his description of heaven, Isaiah writes that as the seraphim called out “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory,” the whole temple shook and filled with smoke (Isa. 6:3). On the throne sat the LORD, the preincarnate Son of God, surrounded by seraphim who covered their faces and feet in appropriate humility. At the sight of this heavenly scene, Isaiah fell to the ground, filled with terror over his own uncleanness.

In fact, throughout the Old Testament God warns the Israelites not to enter His holy presence because their sinfulness would lead to certain death. Only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies, and that only after going through a painstaking process to purify himself from any sin, known or unknown (Ex 19.21–22). A holy God requires absolute holiness; anything less leads to death.

To be holy is to be set apart, to be different from everything else, to be free from any blemish or hint of sin. In the entire history of humanity, no one has been holy, except Jesus. Jesus’ holiness sets Him apart from everyone else. He is morally perfect. He has never sinned. He has never tempted anyone else to sin. He Himself has defeated sin. The writer of Hebrews refers to Him as “holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners” (7.26 ESV).

That’s why the self-righteous religious rulers of the day hated Him, they stood condemned in His presence. And that’s why the demons trembled before Him: they feared for their very existence.

But we do not have to fear. Jesus’ holiness does not threaten those who love Him. In fact, it’s His very holiness that gives us reason to hope. Because Jesus is the Holy One of God, He alone is able to clothe us with divine righteousness that we would not have on our own. No one else could do what Jesus has done for us.

We do not have to draw back from God or fear entering His presence, precisely because Jesus’ sacrifice pays the penalty of our sins and cleanses us from our unrighteousness. He who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God (2Cor 5.21). When God looks at us, He sees us as holy and righteous because of Jesus. We are already positionally holy before God even as we continue to grow practically in this holiness day by day, through the power of His Holy Spirit in us.




Jesus, You are the Holy One of God. But You are also close to everyone who calls on You. What can I do but praise You? Like the angels standing before Your throne, I too join them in singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come!” (Rev 4.8). Help me to see today’s minor annoyances and problems as insignificant in light of Your eternal holiness. Make my every word and action today an act of worship to You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 


If you want to read more 


Leviticus 9–10, Psalm 16.10–11, Isaiah 41.14, Mark 1.24, John 6.69, Acts 3.14, 1 Peter 1.19, 2.22, 1John 3.5


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