Saturday 4 December 2021

Light of the world



The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.

JOHN 1.9


Throughout Scripture, darkness often represents evil and falsehood while light represents goodness, truth, and holiness. We naturally fill our homes with light and do our best to avoid dark places where danger may linger in the shadows.

Therefore it comes as no surprise that Jesus assumes this title, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (Jn 8.12). But there is more to that statement than we may first realise.

Jesus illuminates our lives with His brilliance, shining into every nook and cranny. Even the revelation of hidden sin is a gift, like the fortunate early diagnosis of a deadly cancer. He reveals not only our sins but also all that is beautiful surrounding us. He awakens our souls to see the history of redemption and the wonderful works of God all around us. As David says, “In your light we see light” (Ps. 36.9).

Those who believe in Jesus will go to be with Him. At death, those separated from Him will enter darkness and gloom, but we will live in everlasting light and joy with Jesus. This truth gives us hope because no matter how gloomy our lives may be this side of eternity, we know that our future destination is in the kingdom of light, where there will be no night, no darkness, no tears, and no distress.

As Jesus is the Light of the World, so He sends us as lights into the world to illuminate our surroundings with His love and life. Just as the moon reflects the sun’s light, so we also reflect Jesus’ light, loving our families and our neighbours, serving our church and community with our spiritual gifts, and sharing truth in love in a bleak world.

Jesus, the Light of the World, has placed us in a particular time and place in history, in the lives of specific people, within a specific place to shine brightly for Him, holding forth the Word of life in a million different little ways (Phil. 2.14–16). We carry His light within us, and those who see it cannot help but be attracted to the Light. The True Light desires to give light to everyone; and what’s more amazing, He wants to use us, His people, to spread that light.




Oh, great Light of the World, fill up my soul with Your dazzling presence. Thank You for shining Your light in my life. Open my eyes to see the wonderful works of Your hand all around me, and help me do the work You’ve called me to without complaining or arguing, shining like the stars within this crooked and dark world. Awaken my soul to You, and help me to shine brightly right where You’ve placed me.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 


If you want to read more 


Jn 1.4–9, 12.35–36, 1 Jn 1.5–7

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