Friday 24 December 2021

The Greatest Gift



Since [God] did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?


From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another.

JOHN 1.16

Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!



What’s the best gift you were given this Christmas? Can you hardly wait to leave the dinner table to play with it, put it on, or figure it out?

At Christmas, one of the ways we celebrate the best gift we’ve ever been given is by giving each other gifts. God is the ultimate gift giver —the most generous giver in the universe. He knows just what to give to us, just what we need most. And he has given us Jesus. Whether or not we realise it, Jesus is the greatest gift we’ve ever been given.

When we realise how generous the gift of Jesus is, we can be confident that whatever else God gives us will be good, and that he will, in fact, give us everything good. It only makes sense. Why would God give us the most precious, costly gift of his own Son, who died for us, and then be stingy with us in other ways, holding out on giving us what we need? Why would God pour out his love on us through Jesus and then refuse to provide for every other need we might have?

Today is a day to celebrate the best gift ever from the best gift giver ever — Jesus, the gift we will enjoy forever.

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