Monday 6 December 2021

The Word of God



In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

JOHN 1.1


The English dictionary defines word as a distinct meaningful element of speech used to communicate. But the Greek audience John was writing to would have understood the nuances of that term to include both “the outward form by which the inward thought is expressed and the inward thought itself.” This use of the term logos for Jesus as the Word of God has several implications.

Jesus is God’s creative Word who spoke everything into existence, the beautiful flowers, majestic mountains, brilliant northern lights, fascinating animals, and breathtaking sunsets. God’s creation speaks to us His eternal power and divine nature because it was fashioned by the Creative Word Himself.

Jesus is God’s communicative Word as well because Jesus is God in the flesh. In the past, God used prophets to speak to His people, sharing His thoughts and intentions with a select few, who then spread His message to the masses. But in Jesus, God’s Word became readily available to whoever was willing to listen. Jesus is the full revelation and intelligent communication of God.

Lastly, Jesus is God’s final Word. He fulfils Old Testament prophesies that point to Him and not only sets in motion but finishes God’s redemptive plan for His people. On the cross, bearing the sins of all those who believed and would believe in Him, Jesus said these marvellous words: “It is finished” (Jn 19.30). Nothing more needs to be added or changed in order for people to have a relationship with God, and nothing in history will change the finality of Jesus’ work on the cross. Jesus is all we need.

Without Jesus, our communication from God would have been indirect, impersonal, and distant. In Jesus, we have the very Word of God — the most direct, personal, meaningful communication God could ever give us — available to everyone who seeks Him.

Jesus is the Word of God made accessible to old and young, schooled and illiterate, Jew and Gentile, past and present. And in this Word-become-flesh, we see the greatest manifestation of God’s love.




Father, thank You for giving us Your Word, Jesus, through whom we can learn more about You. Forgive me for neglecting Him, as if He’s hidden in the pages of history instead of alive and eager to reveal You. Quiet my heart and open my soul to listen to Him.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

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