Monday 20 December 2021

The Good Shepherd



I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

JOHN 10.11


Some of the metaphors and examples Jesus used in His teaching can be hard for us to understand, though they would have made complete sense to Jesus’ first hearers. Jesus as the Good Shepherd is one such metaphor. When He refers to Himself as the Good Shepherd, His listeners would have pictured a shabbily dressed, possibly smelly man who went all-out for his flock. A shepherd was dedicated to his sheep both personally and professionally; the sheep were his constant companions and his livelihood.

A good shepherd cares for his sheep, he finds pastures with lush green grass that will provide the nutrients they need to be healthy, he anoints their wounds with oil to foster quick healing, he protects them from the elements and from predators.

A good shepherd also knows his sheep, he nicknames them and knows their particularities, he watches them and knows if they’re acting strangely or if they wander off, he provides for them individually exactly what they need as they age and develop.

A good shepherd leads his sheep, he goes before them, he walks the path before they do, making sure there are no dangers ahead, he always stays close to respond to any need that arises, he maintains a presence by whistling or singing so that they know he is always there.

Lots of hired shepherds would do those things too. An employee would have a vested interest in doing his job well. But the distinguishing mark of a good shepherd versus a hired shepherd is this, “the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.” When danger comes, he doesn’t run away to save his own life, he runs straight toward the menacing threat to attack it head-on, before it reaches his sheep. His own life is not worth saving if he loses his precious sheep.

That is our Good Shepherd. He doesn’t have a superficial or halfhearted interest in us. No, Jesus is completely committed to us — caring for us, knowing us, leading us, and laying down His own life for us. Between continuing His existence without us and facing certain death, Jesus chose death. That’s how much He loves us.

And that’s the Good Shepherd who leads us. Be comforted by the reassuring presence of the Good Shepherd by your side.




Thank You, Jesus, for loving me even when, like a silly sheep, I run away. What a privilege it is to be part of Your flock, and to be known by You! Help me learn to imitate You in the way I love others, laying down my own desires to better serve those You’ve placed in my life. May my life point them to You, my Good Shepherd. 

In Jesus’s name, Amen. 


If you want to read more 


Psa 23, Mt 2.6, Lk 15.1–7, Jn 10.1–18, Rom 8.31, 1Pt 2.25

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