Friday 1 December 2023

Life of Christ pt4 Luke 1.5-25

 LUKE 1.5-25

Before Jesus entered into His human existence, God paved the way by raising up a mighty prophet, a forerunner who would announce the arrival of this divine-human Messiah. This forerunner was John the Baptist. Luke describes the way in which John’s birth came about. John’s father was an aged priest named Zechariah. Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were devout in their faith but had been unable over the years to have a child. In their advanced years of life the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah while this priest was performing his priestly functions at the Temple in Jerusalem. Gabriel informed Zechariah that he and Elizabeth would have a son who would be a powerful prophet like Elijah of old. This son would introduce God’s Messiah to the world. Of course, Zechariah was stunned by this angelic visitation and expressed his doubts to Gabriel. As a sign of the veracity of his message, Gabriel temporarily took away Zechariah’s ability to speak. Having completed his priestly duties, Zechariah took Elizabeth back to their own village. Soon it became apparent that Elizabeth was going to have a child. Gabriel’s prediction had come true. 

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