Thursday 4 March 2021

There is a God in heaven

There is a God in heaven 1 who is high and lifted up, 2 who is righteous and mighty, 3 who is great and awesome, 4 who is worthy to be praised, 5 who alone does great wonders, 6 who gives life to all things, 7 who justifies the ungodly, 8 who raises the dead, 9 who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness, 10 who works all things according to the counsel of his will, 11 who inhabits eternity, 12 who is and who was and who is to come. 13

The LORD lives! 14 The LORD, he is God. 15 Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him! 16


1 Dan 2.28 2 Isa 57.15 3 Job 34.17 4 Neh 4.14 5 2Sam 22.4 6 Psa 136.4 7 1Tim 6.13 8 Rom 4.5 9 2Cor 1.9 10 Jer 9.24 11 Eph 1.11 12 Isa 57.15 13 Rev 1.8 14 Psa 18.46 15 1Kin 18.39 16 Psa 33.8

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