Friday 28 May 2021

Are parts of the Bible make believe, or is everything true?

The things that happened to those people are examples. They were written to teach us. 

1 Corinthians 10.11


Even though Jesus lived 2000 years ago, and many Bible events happened long before he lived, everything in the Bible is real. The Bible writers knew the difference between make believe and real life, and God gave each of them direction as they wrote carefully about their experiences with him. 

Luke, for example, was a doctor who used reports from Jesus’s closest followers and others who had been with him to write an organised summary of what Jesus said and did.(Luke 1.1-4) And John tells us why he wrote carefully about the amazing miracles of Jesus and his awesome rising from the dead, so we could know for sure that when we believe in Jesus, he becomes our Saviour.(John 20.30-31)



Find in the Bible some of the stories of Jesus’s miracles. Like Jesus feeding over 5000 people from five loaves and two fish.(John 6.1-14) Or Jesus walking on water.(Matthew 14.25) Or Jesus helping those who were blind to see.(Matthew 9.30) Then turn to the book of Acts, in which Luke points out that the events recorded in the Bible “were not done in a corner.”(Acts 26.26) Many people saw these events and agreed that they were true. 

1 comment:

  1. And even though the Pharisees tried to find evidence against Jesus, rather like our cross-bench parliamentary committees, they couldn't find any reliable witnesses to say anything against Him.
