Sunday 30 May 2021

Aren’t the Bible’s rules old fashioned?

Long ago I learned from your rules that you made them to continue forever

Psalm 119.152


Some people think that the Bible’s commands must be out of date. After all, the Bible was written before cars, computer and on demand tv. Yet reading the Bible is like looking in a mirror. From cover to cover you read stuff that talks about you and your world in its pages. 

And it’s clear that we still need God’s rules. Take the Ten Commandments(Exodus 20.1-17). People still have problems with stealing, lying, whining to their parents and wishing they had their neighbour’s toys. Kids on the playground still swear, using God’s name disrespectfully. And all of us still forget from time to time to make God more important than anyone or anything else in our lives. God didn’t make rules that would only work for a while in the old days, and not be important today. He makes rules that last. 



Talk together as a family about how the ‘old’ rules of the Bible have helped you know how to do the right thing. How have you seen them work for your good?

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