Wednesday 12 May 2021

The best sermon ever day3

 At the turn of the twentieth century, a debate that had been brewing in academic circles spilled out into the mainstream. The debate was about Jesus, and it has shaped much of theology for more than 100 years now.

One side of the debate said that the Jesus of history was simply a good, wise and moral teacher. He was a very important teacher — possibly one of the greatest teachers ever. But that was all. He was not the Son of God. He did not really do miracles. Virgin birth? Please. Nope, Jesus was just a fantastic teacher, and we could all learn from His teaching. That’s as far as it goes.

The other side of the debate said, “No! Jesus is the Son of the living God, eternally pre-existent member of the Trinity, spotless Lamb of God sent to offer His life as a ransom for many. He was born of the Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit. He lived a sinless life, died a sacrificial death and was vindicated by God the Father through His bodily resurrection. He ascended into heaven, where He sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding on our behalf.”

A bad thing happened as a result of this brouhaha. People who believe in the deity of Jesus began to de-emphasise the role of His teaching. In fact, there came to be a kind of suspicion among some of them, when folks started talking about Jesus’ teaching. These suspicious types automatically assumed they were on the other side of the debate. Some sects of Christianity went so far as to suggest that large portions of His teaching — such as the Sermon on the Mount — don’t apply to us anymore. The importance of Jesus’ teaching was gradually pushed aside to make room for Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross.

To be clear here, I contend that the Jesus of the New Testament was both fully human and fully divine and is today living and vitally involved in human affairs. I affirm the historical creeds of orthodox Christianity when it comes to the Person and work of Jesus Christ.

Yet I also firmly believe that teaching isn’t something Jesus did to pass the time until it was time for Him to die. Jesus’ teaching isn’t an optional, dispensable part of His ministry. His teaching was an integral part of His ministry. He didn’t just come to die for us (though He did do that, and I’m eternally grateful for it), He also came to teach us about life in God’s kingdom. He was the wisdom-bringer, the one who showed us what God is really like, what people are really like, the way the world really operates and how to live as citizens of the Kingdom of heaven.

Jesus’ earliest followers were drawn to Him initially because of His teaching. He was, among other things, the smartest man they had ever known. His instruction made so much sense, it had that ring of truth that you don’t get from human wisdom. Crowds flocked to Him, amazed at His teaching. They watched Him live out His message with integrity, and they were astonished. They’d never seen anyone live like Him — they had no idea such a life was even possible.

And then He told them an unbelievable thing. If you will trust Me and do what I tell you to do, one day you will live like Me.

This part is really, really important. Because they felt that they could trust Him as their teacher during His life, they learned to trust Him as their Saviour after His death and resurrection.

So, if you want to fully experience the love of Christ, you must come to value one of the most important gifts He offers, His teaching. You must trust that He is right about absolutely everything. This means that when you disagree with Him (and it will probably happen every once in a while), you’re either wrong or you don’t fully understand what He was saying.

To really follow Jesus, you must allow Him to teach you how to live. He was, after all, the greatest Teacher of all time.


Jesus, may I learn to take Your yoke upon me, to follow You wherever you lead me to learn from You. Although You have said many things that I do not fully grasp, I wish to submit to the authority of Your teachings and learn to trust You when I do not understand. Your words bring life—Your message is unique and authoritative, and Your wisdom surpasses anything the world has ever heard. I acknowledge that without the new birth in which I was regenerated by the Holy Spirit, it would be impossible for me to live as You ask me to live. But You have not only revealed the way to go; You have provided me with the resources that will empower me to travel along that way. I give thanks for the power of Your indwelling Spirit, for your life-giving teaching, and for the new quality of life to which You have called me.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

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