Friday 21 May 2021

Transfiguration day 4

 The story of Jesus’ Transfiguration has a command in it, spoken directly from God the Father to the three disciples. It may be one of the most neglected commands in the Bible: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” (Mk 9.7). 

Every person who claims to be a follower of Jesus must reckon with these two questions. What do you think Jesus is saying to you right now? and How do you know it’s Jesus and not someone else? Obviously, answering requires a high level of discernment, but as followers of Jesus, we can know that He wants us to know His voice and do what He says (Jn 10.27). 

But how does that happen? How does Jesus speak to us today? The three disciples standing there on the mountaintop could follow Him literally and speak with a human. It’s a little more difficult for us. 

Still, it’s possible. 

Broadly speaking, there are three primary ways Jesus speaks to us now. 1) Through His words; 2) through the inner witness of the Holy Spirit; and 3) through the collective wisdom of the Body of Christ — that is, the Church. Let’s take a closer look at each of these. 

It’s probably obvious by now that I like the Bible. I advocate Bible reading. I’ve written blog posts about the Bible, because I believe there is great wisdom to be had by reading from all portions of Scripture. But there is something special about reading the words of Jesus Himself, allowing your mind to steep in the wisdom of the smartest man who ever lived. We neglect the “red letters” to our own peril. 

The Spirit has come in place of the bodily presence of Jesus, so a person follows Jesus only to the extent that he or she follows the leading of the Spirit. But the Spirit of God rarely shouts; He simply will not clamour for our attention. If we want to hear His voice, we must shut out the noise that so easily and often distracts us. Turn off the television and the iPod, the computer and the Xbox and ask the Spirit to speak. 

Finally, as communities of faith, we must develop the capacity to listen together for the voice of Jesus. When we come together, there is so much to do — songs to sing, announcements to be made, sermons to deliver. But is there ever time to pray and listen collectively for what Jesus might want to tell His people? If we are to hear Him and discern together that He is truly speaking, there must be. God the Father said, “This is My Son. I love Him. Listen to Him!” What could happen if His people took Him seriously and did what He said?




Lord, teach me the wisdom of taking the time and care to listen to Your voice and seek Your wisdom and will for me. May I pause to hear what You want to tell me, and may I regularly make room for this to happen in my life. When I am busy and driven, I cannot hear what You want to tell me, and I crowd You out as I rush from one thing to the next. Instead, I ask for the grace to expose myself to Your Word and listen to its life-giving counsel. I also ask for a greater capacity to give attention to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit as He counsels, comforts, exhorts, convicts, encourages and inspires me. May I additionally listen to the collective wisdom and insight that is available through the communion of saints, so that I will not endeavour to live the spiritual life on my own, without these rich resources that You have given to me.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 


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