Wednesday 12 May 2021

Why doesn’t God just forget our sins?

God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God’s anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us.

Romans 3.25


God would never lie. So he would never pretend that we’re doing what’s right when we’re really doing something wrong. He wouldn’t be unfair. So he wouldn’t act as if our sins aren’t a problem. He would never say, “Oh, that’s okay. It doesn’t really matter. Let’s just forget it.”

Actually, there’s something even better than God forgetting our sins. It’s God forgiving our sins! He wants to forgive us, to set us free from the punishment we deserve and to fix our broken friendship with him. The bad news is that God says there must be a huge payment for sin, death. The good news is that God sent his Son, Jesus, to pay for our sins. Jesus died for us and came back to life so that God could forgive us.


How would you feel if a classmate always pulled your hair and pushed you down but was never punished? Do you think the wrong things that you do should be punished? How does it feel that Jesus took the punishment for your sin so that you could be forgiven? Why is forgiving even better than forgetting? That our sin is gone, not just forgotten?  

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