Saturday 15 May 2021

Why did God put his words in a Book?

The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are clear, giving insight to life.

Psalm 19.8


Suppose you carried a million pounds far into a forest and hid it deep in a cave. If you wanted to be sure that you could find your cash years later, you wouldn’t whisper directions to your dog. You wouldn’t trust them to your memory. You would write them down and make a map.

God wanted to share with us some very important directions, directions that are even more valuable than a treasure map for digging up a pile of money. God wanted us to be completely clear on how we can be his friend and obey him. So he wrote his instructions in a book to keep them safe. By putting into the Bible everything people need to know, God made sure we couldn’t forget or mess up the message. 


Think of your favourite place to eat or have fun, or a friend’s or relative’s place, and try to draw a map of how you would get there. Then look at an actual map which has it on there. How easily would someone who didn’t know the place get there using your map compared with the actual map.

We can read, (even my words), what others have to say about finding God. But God gave us the best directions in the Bible. He wanted us to have clear directions on how to find him and learn about him


You can also read, Proverbs 30.5, John 17.7

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