Tuesday 11 May 2021

Why is it sometimes easier to do things that are wrong than to do what’s right?

I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. 

Galatians 5.16


Sit on a chair and try a simple experiment, slide your bottom off the seat of the chair. What happens? You always fall on the floor. Why? Because you can’t undo the power of gravity, the force that pulls you down. 

It’s the same way when it comes to trying in your own strength to overcome the pull of sin. Inside you and every other human being there is a power at work, your sinful nature, that makes it far easier for you to do wrong than right.(Gal 5.17) Yet as a Christian there’s an even bigger force at work in you to help you do right, the Holy Spirit. It’s the job of the Holy Spirit to help you understand God’s commands and obey them. With the Spirit’s help, you don’t have to do things that are wrong. You can choose to do right!  



With a friend or family member, find a big rope or an old oversized beach towel and go outside for a game of tug-of-war. Then talk about these questions, ”how does it feel when there’s a battle between good and evil going on in us? How do we let the Holy Spirit win the tug of war?

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