Tuesday 26 December 2023

Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the Life.” John 14.6

Jesus is the way we get close to God again, the truth from God, and He provides forever life with God.

Hello, Cutie! What is going down, Shorty? Goodbye, Sweetie Pie! Sometimes a nickname tells us something about a person. Jesus gave us some of His names so we could understand more of who He is.

One of Jesus’ followers asked how to get to God the Father's house in heaven. “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”” Jesus answered a ‘how?’ question with a ‘who’! Jesus is the answer to more questions than we might realise.

‘I am’ is a name for God. When Moses wanted God to tell him His name, God simply said, “I am.” When Jesus said “I Am,” He was showing that He is God (the Son). When Jesus said, “I am the way, “ He was showing that He is the spiritual path to our Father God. The way to God is through believing in Jesus Himself. God will handle the details of how you get to heaven, but the way to be close to God is through believing in Jesus.

In front of funny mirrors you might seem to be super tall, or lumpy, or short, but that is not what you truly look like. Truth is what is real and actual. Jesus is not like a funny mirror. He never lies or gives us the wrong impression. What is real and true is found in Jesus and His teaching in the Bible. Jesus is the only way to God because Jesus is the ultimate Truth.

Spiritually, we are dead without God. When we believe in Jesus, He brings our sin-smothered souls to life. Jesus created all life, and true life is found in Him. Jesus is the true life who brings us close to love and enjoy our Father God. Fake gods, wrong directions, lying ideas or spiritually dead people will never be the way to our Father God. Jesus tells us He is the only way to be close to Father God again, both now and in heaven.

Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus assures others of who He is.   

John 14.1-6

How is Jesus the way to get to God?

Jesus is the truth, so how might you respond to someone who said they did not believe Jesus?

Monday 25 December 2023

Life of Christ part 12 Luke 2.8-20

 LUKE 2.8-20

The night was already richly eventful. Jesus had been born. But God chose that His Son’s birth should not go unnoticed. Therefore, He sent an angel to a field near Bethlehem. Shepherds were living out in these open fields, providing protection for their flocks of sheep. But that night these shepherds became the first recipients of the good news of Jesus’ birth. The angel, surrounded by the radiance of God’s glory, appeared to these shepherds. This heavenly messenger assured the shepherds that they need not be afraid. He had come to give them good news. The promised Saviour, the Messiah or Christ, had been born that very night. Furthermore, that infant Saviour was nearby. The angel invited the shepherds to go to the stable and find the baby lying in a manger. Then they would know that the angel’s message was true. At that moment a multitude of angels appeared and proclaimed as only angels can the glory of God. 

Once the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem and see this unusual sight. They believed that what the angel had announced was truly a message from God, and their faith drove them to respond. Of course, they were not disappointed. Just as the angel had declared, the shepherds found Mary and Joseph, along with a baby lying in a manger. These humble shepherds went out and spread the news about Jesus. Meanwhile, Mary continued to be amazed at the circumstances surrounding her life, her son, and her God. Truly, Jesus was and is unique. He is God and man in one. He is our Saviour and our King.

Sunday 24 December 2023

Life of Christ part 11 Luke 2.1-7

 LUKE 2.1-7

Only Luke gives us the details of Jesus’ birth, the Christmas story as it’s come to be known. But those details are precious! It all took place during the reign of Caesar Augustus, ruler of the Roman Empire. Through God’s providential direction, Augustus ordered a census throughout his expansive domain. As a result, people had to return to their ancestral homes to register in this census. Because Joseph was a descendant of David, he and Mary left Nazareth and went to David’s hometown, Bethlehem. While they were in Bethlehem the time came for Mary’s baby to be born. Bethlehem was apparently overcrowded at the time due to the requirements of the census, so Joseph and Mary had taken up the best lodging they could find. There, in a humble stable, Mary gave birth to a baby boy. There, Mary lovingly wrapped this child in the best bundling cloth she could provide. There, Mary placed her new-born son in a manger, the only cradle available in these humble surroundings. There lay her son, the Son of God, surrounded by love and humility and joy and curiosity. There lay Jesus.

Saturday 23 December 2023

Life of Christ part 10 Matthew 1.18-25

 MATTHEW 1.18-25

By now Mary would have arrived back in Nazareth after her three-month visit with Elizabeth. Mary may have shown signs that she was going to have a baby. Although Mary was a virgin, she was pledged in marriage to a man named Joseph. Understandably, Joseph was deeply disturbed to discover that his promised bride was expecting a child. He could have disgraced Mary publicly, but because he was a devout man, Joseph’s faith taught him to be gentle and gracious. He decided instead to privately cut his ties with Mary. Because of the marriage customs of that day, this required a legal divorce even though Joseph and Mary had never been together as husband and wife. 

Then an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream. The angel told Joseph that Mary had been faithful, and that her child was the product of a miraculous work of God. He instructed Joseph to take Mary in as his wife and, when Mary’s son was born, to name the child Jesus. Matthew reminds us that the virgin birth of Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. God always keeps His promises. When Joseph woke up from his dream, he humbly and obediently took Mary home as his wife, sheltering her from disgrace and honouring her as the virgin mother of Jesus. Truly a remarkable man, Joseph fulfilled a unique role in the drama of the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Thursday 21 December 2023

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.           John 10.11


A Good Shepherd is a person who takes good care of sheep.


What do you know about sheep? Did you know they aren’t very good at taking care of themselves? They need someone to help make sure they get food and water and don’t wander into danger.

God says we are all like sheep. And many of the leaders God gave His people were shepherds. Abraham had many herds of sheep when God made His promise to him. Before God used Moses to lead His people through the sea and desert, Moses kept sheep too. David took care of sheep before he led Israel as king. Chasing sheep was probably good practice for leading God’s people!

When Jesus grew up into a man, He was followed around by large crowds of people. They wanted to hear His teaching and have him heal them. One day, He was out in a boat when He noticed all those people were just standing on the shore waiting for Him to come help. To Jesus, they looked like lost sheep.

“When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.”

Jesus’ time had come to shepherd, to lead His people into God’s truth. Shepherds lead sheep where they need to go, for good grass to eat, clean water to drink, and a safe place to lie down and rest. In Jesus’ time, being a shepherd was a hard job. Sometimes one sheep would get lost and the shepherd would search for it. Sometimes a sheep would get hurt or would keep wandering off. Then, the shepherd would carry it until it was healed and it learned to stay near. Sometimes, a wild animal would steal a sheep from the flock to eat it. The shepherd would risk his life to save that sheep.

Jesus led the crowd’s hearts and minds to places where they would have peace. He would teach them how to stay with God. He would heal many of those who needed healing. He would keep His followers close to Him so they would be able to enjoy His presence and His love.

Jesus knew that sin and God’s enemies were like wild animals trying to take God’s sheep away from the flock. So, Jesus became our shepherd. He fought off the bite and death of the sin threatening to carry us away from God. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, gave up His life on the cross to save us, His sheep.


This Psalm shows how the Lord is our shepherd     Psalm 23


How are people like sheep and how is Jesus like our shepherd?

Why are you glad that Jesus is the Good Shepherd?



Wednesday 20 December 2023

Jesus is the Light of the World

 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”            John 8.12

The Light of the World is the One who shines brilliantly and purely to reveal truth and evil.

Has your teacher ever given you a look that made you sit up straight or a friend given you goofy googly eyes that made you laugh? Sometimes, when people want to tell you something, they have to get your attention first. God certainly did this when He sent angels to tell the shepherds about Jesus!

But every once in a while someone will really be paying attention to you. They will see a glimmer in your eye and know what you mean without you even saying a word. The wise men who visited the baby Jesus were these kind of people. They figured out so much, not from a glimmer in God’s eye, but from a glimmer in God’s eye, but from a glimmer in His sky.

These men had really studied the Old Testament Scriptures, so they knew what a new star over Israel would mean. It would mean the birth of the King of the Jews. (The Jews are the Israelites who all came from Abraham.) The wise men were ready to worship Him and bring gift worthy of the King.

Like the glimmering star, the gifts said so much about what was happening without saying a word. God said the wise men considered Jesus worthy (full of worth and value) and royal. Frankincense was an incense (similar to a perfume) used during temple worship to God. This gift said they saw Jesus as God’s Son, the perfect Great High Priest. Myrrh was used when preparing dead bodies to be buried. This was a very strange gift. But since the wise men read the scriptures, they knew this baby would grow up, suffer, and die for the people He loved.

The wise men were guided by a small speck of light through very nights. That light led them to Jesus, who is also called the Light of the World. This world and many people in this world are full of darkness because sin still has control. When we believe in Jesus, He becomes our light. He allows us to see what is true about God and helps us recognise the lies of sin. He shows us God’s love for us, so that we can trust Him and come near to Him again.

For believers, Jesus' light continues to grow until the day in heaven when we see Him face to face. Then, the light will be fully bright as we know fully and are fully known. If we trust in Jesus, we will never be alone in the dark. He will brighten our lives and He will be our Light of the World.

The Wise Men worship Jesus. 

Matthew 2.1-2, 9-12

In the dark, how do you feel without a light? How might people feel without Jesus in their lives?

What are some ways that having a spiritual light in your life would be helpful?

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 15

“Mary! We have been married only, uh, less than a month! And you are going to leave me for three months? You cannot be serious!”

“Elizabeth needs me. She is not young. And when I was a child Elizabeth was my closest and dearest friend. Joseph, women her age do not bear children. She needs my help.”

“Mary, this is pure madness.”

“Joseph, I must do it.”

“You must not, you may not, you cannot, and you will not.”

Mary folded her arms in a gesture of defiance, her lower lip protruding ever so slightly but quite firmly.

There was a moment’s pause as two wills jousted in silence.

“All right, go help her. But not three months, Mary. I am a working man! From dawn to dark I work. Six days a week, all year long. I need your help, to cook, to clean, to be with me. Mary, not three months! You cannot be gone that long.”

“Joseph, son of Matthan, I must stay with Elizabeth, until the day her baby is born. I will.”

“And that is another thing, Mary, daughter of Heli, stubborn, strong willed Heli, I am quick to add! You do not need to be going half a country away to look after someone you have not seen in years. You need someone to look after you. But oh, no, you are going to trek from here to Judea, alone, on foot, to help someone else have her baby. Well, who is going to take care of you? And who is going to take care of me?”

Joseph paused, then marshalling even higher logic, continued.

“And furthermore, Elizabeth and Zachariah live in the hill country. What you are proposing is a long, hard journey. Those hills go almost straight up, and the roads in that region are dangerous. In fact, that whole area is dangerous. There are more robbers in those hills than anywhere else in Judea. No one in your condition has any business out there in that kind of country.”

There was  a long silence. Then Mary spoke, this time soft and low.

“I do not fully understand what has happened to me, Joseph. But I am certain an angel appeared to me, I am certain an angel spoke to you. And you, Joseph, dear husband, so quickly came and married me, which has meant everything to me. Beyond that, there is so little I understand. But this I do know. A child is growing in my belly. I do not fully know who he is, but he is not from this planet. He is from another world. He is from God himself. I dare not even say what it was the angel called him.

“And now this letter, coming from Elizabeth, confirming the words of the angel. Impossible as it is, Elizabeth also has a man-child growing in her womb. Both of these children have been conceived in strange and mysterious ways. Their births, and their lives here on this earth, are inseparably linked, that I know. And this I also know, I am supposed to go to Elizabeth. And I will. As to dangers, a God who can cause a virgin to conceive can also protect her from hills and highwaymen. Besides, Joseph, you know it is customary for a pregnant woman to seclude herself for a time. Being away in Judea with my pregnant cousin seems so right for now.”

With that, Mary sat down upon a bench and leaned back against the wall. Joseph thought that perhaps, just perhaps, he saw a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she began to speak again.

“And as for you, Jacob Joseph, son of Matthan, stubborn strong-willed Matthan, I might add, you have been taking care of yourself, cooking your own meals, cleaning your house, and tending to your needs long before you met me”

Joseph breathed a long, slow sigh and relaxed his taut shoulders. Against his will, a slight smile danced across his face.

“Mary, daughter of Heli, I just want you to know that there was never a day in the life of Matthan when he was as stubborn, headstrong or as good at winning an argument as was Heli.”

As the eyes of the young couple met, Joseph could no longer keep the smile blooming on his face. Mary, the woman who both baffled and delighted him, smiled back. Then she leaned over, stifled a giggle, suddenly sat up straight, clapped her hands together and said, “Isn’t love wonderful!”

Jesus is the Christ

 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2.11

The Christ is the person chosen and sent by God to save God’s people 

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to slip into doing something wrong, but how hard it sometimes seems to do something right? God says we are all like sheep who wander around and do not listen well. Because we keep running away, it would not be easy for God to complete His plan to bring His people near to Him again. But God promised He would send someone to rescue us and bring us back. He would be a Saviour, Christ the Lord.

On the night Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the shepherds out in the fields were the first to hear the news. A bright light appeared in the sky and suddenly there were angels everywhere praising God!

It must have been quite a shock. Then an angel said, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.” Good news of great joy is what God's people needed. That is what Creation needed. This good news was not just for Abraham’s children, but for all people, for all families of the earth, just as God promised!

Jesus Christ is the sent Saviour, and that is just who we needed to rescue us from our sin. ‘Christ’ means the anointed one. In the Bible, kings were anointed with oil to show they had been chosen to lead. The Christ was chosen by God for God’s special job.

After announcing that the Christ had come, the angels gave the shepherds directions to the baby. Well, the shepherds wasted no time and quickly ran to find Jesus. They were amazed to see Him, the Christ had come! They started telling everyone!

When a person believe in Jesus, most people call them a Christian. Do you see the word ‘Christ’ in Christian? That is because as Christians we believe in and try to be like Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus told people about God's plan for the world, just like the shepherds. As Christians, we can be like Jesus and the shepherds and tell the good news of great joy. The news is not just for us! It is for all people. Unto us is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord!

This is what the shepherds saw and heard that night.        Luke 2.8-14

Can you think of a way to share the Good News of great joy?

What do you think is the most surprising thing the angels said?

Advent 2023 part 14

 The carpenter smashed his mallet hard upon the table, picked it up again, and threw it against the wall. Then he turned and kicked at the door until his foot was numb. Circling the room in a dance of madness, the young man came at last to the centre of the room, placed his hands over his ears, threw back his head, and screamed at the top of his voice. When he could do that no longer, Joseph dropped to the floor, buried his face in the sawdust, and wept uncontrollably.

He raised his head, and between dry lips, cried, “Mary, Mary, how could you do this? Of all the women upon the face of the earth! You of all people! How could you do this?”

One more Joseph clenched his fists and, as in some ceremonial cadence, began beating the floor.

“Everything about her said she loved her Lord,” the young man anguished. “She was the purest thing I have ever known. If Mary cannot be trusted, then no man can trust any woman who ever lived!”

He stood and cried out again. “How could she do this? It is inconceivable. How? How?” The sobs exploded from Joseph’s soul. “I will never marry her. I will never marry anyone. I will never trust another woman. Never!”

Emotionally spent, and on the edge of exhaustion, the young carpenter fell once more to the floor and cried himself to sleep. 

At that moment, the Door swung open. Gabriel slipped through the portal, surveyed the destruction Joseph had inflicted upon his wood shop, and then,  tenderly, knelt beside the young man who was lost in fitful sleep. 

“Son of David, Joseph. Do not be afraid. Take Mary as your wife. The child in her was conceived of the Holy Spirit. When he is born, call his name Jesus. This is that One who will save his people from their sins.”

Joseph moved slightly, let out a long sigh, and began to breathe evenly. The agonising groans that had been rising from his throat ceased. Gently Gabriel laid his hand upon Joseph’s forehead and waited, waited until his sleep flowed evenly and peace had worked its way across his face.

Then Gabriel spoke again.

“Our God has well chosen the man who will raise the very Son of the Most High God. And, Joseph, as you will learn in the days and years to come, God has also well chosen his mother, and your wife.

With that, Gabriel slipped back through the Door and into his own realm. Joseph opened his eyes. What he saw was a room, no, an entire world, quite changed from what it had been just a few hours earlier.

Monday 18 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 13

Every son and daughter of Adam ever born has been born of the seed of man, the mutated chromosome of the male forever passing on to Adam’s race the damning legacy of the Fall.

Yet long ago, in the first book of Moses, it had been foretold that once, and only once, a man-child would be born of the seed of a woman. And it would be this Son of a woman’s seed who would destroy the enemy of God.

And so it came to pass that once, and only once, a man-child was born of the seed of woman.

And the woman’s name was Mary.

While Mary slept, the Holy Spirit overshadowed this young maiden, and the seed of woman sprang into germination. And in this wondrous seed there was no stain of sin of the descendants of Adam.

So from Mary’s exotic seed there began to form a soul and body unscarred by the history of fallen man.

In that same mysterious moment, an even greater wonder emerged, for the very DNA of God joined with this unique seed. And so there joined in this one-cell embryo an unblemished body and soul from the visible realm. And from the invisible realm there was joined in this embryo a living spirit, even the very Spirit and life of God.

The very essence of all that God is pulsated deep within that man-child embryo. Behold, the genetics of an u fallen man growing together with the genetics of God.

Residing within these now multiplying cells was a truly living human spirit. Surely nothing like this had existed since Adam’s spirit flickered out in the Garden and Adam died to the spiritual realm.

And this it came about that there was conceived, once, and only once, One who was wholly Son of Man and wholly Son of God.

Earth had never witnessed such a conception, sinless man, with the very life of God the Father dwelling within. Heaven had never witnessed such a conception, Almighty God become visible in human form, in the physical realm!

What grew in Mary’s womb was a being unlike any creature that had ever existed before. Would he remain unique, a glorious one-of-a-kind, or did he portend the beginning of a new species?

Whatever this One was, whatever he would become, his conception was quite simply the greatest single miracle of all time.

For in that hour, God became a man!

Jesus is our Immanuel

They shall call His name Immanuel (which means, God with us)         Matthew 1.23


Immanuel means ‘God with us’


Can you imagine what it would have been like to go from the bright presence of God the Father in the beauty and happiness of heaven to being curled up inside the dark of a woman’s tummy for months? What would it feel like to be born, and to suddenly have the pain of hunger, the limits of skin, the need for drink, the inability to do anything for yourself when you had created everything?

An angel told a young woman named Mary she was going to have a baby, even though she was not married, because God’s Spirit put the baby inside her. The angel said this baby would be ‘God with us.’ Can you imagine the awe of knowing God the Son would be with people in a way they could see and touch? He would be named Jesus and would save His people from their sin. Then an angel told a man named Joseph to take Mary as his wife, adopt Jesus as his child, and to take care of them both.

When Mary was almost ready to have the baby, they had to take a long journey. The government was forcing everyone to go back to their hometowns. Joseph was David’s (26 greats) grandchild. Since David was from Bethlehem, that is where they went.

Joseph had to find a private place for Mary to rest, but all the places to stay were full except where the animals stayed.  When Jesus was born Joseph and Mary put him in a manger, which normally held hay for animals to eat. They must have wondered, “Why would God’s Son be born around animal smells and noises?” Even though they didn’t understand everything, Joseph and Mary (unlike Adam and Eve) believed God was true and good. They had faith that His plans were greater than what they could see, and they trusted Him.

Jesus did not glow with heavenly light when He was born. Really, He looked just like other little babies. Mary and Joseph might have had glimpses of God’s plan for His son, but so much of their lives would be spent waiting to see it. Meanwhile, they fed Jesus, taught Jesus, and took care of Jesus.

Before Jesus was born, God gave him another name. Every Christmas the world celebrates this name. It is ‘Immanuel, ‘ which means ‘God with us.’ Isn’t this amazing? How could our holy (above all and perfect) God be with sinful people? In the Temple, the high priest needed to sacrifice many animals before he stepped a toe into God’s presence in the Holy of Holies. How could it be possible for humans to walk and talk with God on earth?

This is something we cannot fully understand or explain, but we can be in awe of it. God’s ways are not man’s ways. In Jesus, God the Son stayed God and yet also became a tiny human that could be held in the arms of a young woman next to a manger in Bethlehem.

God is with us in Jesus. The wonder of that will never end. God the Son came to us in the soft form of a baby. Our awe at God’s amazing gift will forever bubble up as faith in the hearts of God’s people. Jesus, thank you for being God with us! Jesus is our Immanuel.


Here is how Jesus was born.     Luke 2.6


What does the name Immanuel mean?

What is hard to imagine about God the Son coming to earth as a baby?


Advent 2023 part 12

“Do you not understand?” cried Recorder to a host of blank-faced angels.

That the stately and reserved Recorder was quite beside himself was enough to unnerve any angel, but the significance of his pronouncement to those creatures of revelation was entirely beyond their reach.

“Have you not understood?” Recorder cried again. “Among the children of Adam, a virgin has at this moment conceived!”

Every mouth of every angel dropped open, every eye blinked, and every throat swallowed.

“At this moment there grows One, in a woman’s womb, who carries with him all that is the highest, the purest, and the greatest innocence, all the grandeur of an Adam before the Fall. And at this moment, growing inside that same womb, is the very life of God. There shall come forth from this virgin womb the highest of unfallen mankind, the very Son of Man,  himself. And from this womb shall come forth all the essence of God, the very Son of God. The two at last have met in One, and his name shall be called Jesus, Saviour, for he shall save mankind from the ravages that sin has wreaked upon their race.

“But even this is but for a greater end. As he, this day, has made himself one with them, there shall come an hour when those chosen by him for redemption will, in greater glory, be made one with him.”

Millions of dumbfounded angels continued to gape at the ancient Recorder.

“Do you not understand?” he cried. “Redemption is near! Salvation for the favoured planet is at hand. And beyond our wildest dreams, the Mystery will soon be known. His Purpose, the eternal Purpose, his reason for creation will soon be revealed. We stand at the highest moment in all eternal history.”

The stunned silence was broken by Michael who had spontaneously whirled about to find his closest kinsman.

“Gabriel!” he exclaimed. “Did you know these things would be the final outcome of all we have doing of late?”

“No!” cried Gabriel. “Did you?”

“Never!” Michael answered. “Oh, that we have played a part in such glory!”

Michael drew his sword, raised his arms high, threw back his head, and deafened the heavenly host as he roared (as only Michael can), “Redemption draws near!”

To which Gabriel responded, “The Mystery revealed, the Purpose made known!”

And so it came to pass that for the first of only two times in all the history of angeldom, chaos descended upon the heavenly host, and to the delight of innumerable beings of light, all order broke down, bedlam reigned, and frolicking angels shouted themselves hoarse.

Sunday 17 December 2023

Life of Christ part 9 Luke 1.67-80

 LUKE 1.67-80

Now that Zechariah could once again speak, he opened his mouth with a prophetic declaration. Zechariah praised God for redeeming and saving His people. This act of redemption, this saving work of God would take place not many years later through Jesus Christ. It’s interesting that Zechariah’s prophetic song begins, not with his own son John, but with God’s Son, Jesus. But then Zechariah refers to his own son, predicting that John would become a prophet of the Most High. John would lead the way, preparing people for the Lord’s arrival. John’s role would be both influential and monumental. God was beginning a new work among His people. John the Baptist would open the door for that new work, and in would walk Jesus Christ. 

Saturday 16 December 2023

Life of Christ part 8 Luke 1.57-66

LUKE 1.57-66

It was also time for Elizabeth to give birth to her son, John. Elizabeth’s neighbours shared in her joy at the unusual birth of this unusual child. According to Jewish custom, the parents assigned a child’s name on the eighth day after its birth, at the time when the ancient rite of circumcision was performed. When it came time to circumcise Elizabeth’s son, everyone assumed that the child would be named after his father Zechariah. But Elizabeth insisted on naming the child John in obedience to Gabriel’s command. Zechariah, still unable to speak, affirmed this decision by writing the child’s name on a tablet. At that moment Zechariah was again enabled to speak. Bottled up for nine months, Zechariah’s first words were expressions of praise to God. News spread, and the entire countryside heard about these remarkable events. People wondered what this child would accomplish. There was a hint of expectancy in the air. This child, John the Baptist, would in his adulthood burst onto the scene as a fiery prophet calling people to repentance and preparing people for the coming of their king, God’s Messiah, Jesus.

Friday 15 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 11

The entire angelic throng had gathered, swarming in a vast circle around the most ancient of all the angels. Anticipation charged the air. Whatever it was Recorder had to tell them, they knew for a certainty it was unprecedented. The fact that it was Recorder and not Gabriel making this announcement was in itself unique.

“What I have to announce to you is not something I fully understand,” began Recorder. “And what you hear you will not entirely grasp. None of us will ever fully know what is taking place this hour. But this much can be said. Creation has entered into a new era. The very Purpose for which the Living God created our two realms is now unfolding. This hour will forever mark the moment when our Lord began to reveal the Mystery.”

The word Purpose slipped past the angels, but when Recorder uttered the word Mystery, an angel-wide gasp swept through the multitude. Rumours of some undisclosed wonder had been whispered among the heavenly citizens almost since the moment of their creation.

“And what it is we are about to see,” Recorder continued, “I am not sure. As best I can, I share with you what the Living God has shared with me. It is beyond all belief, the eternal Son of God, the very life and essence of the Father, the very inmost portion of his being, is about to. . .”

Recorder paused. Had the light of the heavenlies blinked?  Yes, something about the heavenly light, for one brief moment, had been altered.

There was a long silence. Then Recorder spoke again.

“Momentarily there will take place the greatest event ever to be known in all the history of creation.”

It happened again, some almost imperceptible change in the light that lighted heaven.

One of the angels turned in the direction of the throne of God. What he saw was ineffable. In a moment the eyes of all the angelic host had turned in the same direction.

The throne and the Door, as never before, had drawn together. And, at the same time, the very light of the life of God was unfolding itself into one brilliant but very small area just in front of the Door.

Angels watched in astonishment as the tiny light grew more intense. So bright became this concentration of light that angels, who are able to look even into the very face of God, now stood blinded by this brilliance.

‘It is as though all the light of the spirituals is gathering into one infinitesimal place,’ thought Michael, as he raised his hand to shield his eyes.

Now the Door between the two realms opened again. The cherubim, whose faces had brought fear to even archangels, now stood transfixed in terror.

The entire angelic host, still blinded by this infinitely bright light, intuitively moved toward the Door. Could it be that something of the very essence and totality of God was about to pass into the other realm?

In the midst of this incomprehensible moment, the voice of Recorder sounded forth once again.

“Many of us have passed through this portal that joins our two realms. Long ago, as you recall, the Door was always open. The two realms joined together, at a place called Eden. After the Great Tragedy, the Door closed.

“On infrequent occasions, at the command of our God, the Door has opened. Several times the Lord stepped through this Door to visit Abraham. Once this Door opened for Moses and the seventy elders to step into our realm. Once also for Isaiah, who stood in this very doorway and looked upon our dwelling place. But always the Door has closed again. Michael and Gabriel have recently made possible an unhindered passage from this realm to the world of men. The Door has opened in Judea in the home of Elizabeth, and again in that replica of the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem where Gabriel has spoken face to face with Zachariah. But never before has anything such as this occurred.

“Today, the Door opens inside a woman’s womb!”

At that very instant the dazzling concentration of light plunged through the open Door and into the visible realm.

Stupefied angels, utterly without insight as to what had just happened, turned back to face Recorder and to wonder at what it was Gabriel and Michael had made possible by their recent visit to earth.

Jesus is the Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

 And His name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.      Isaiah 9.6

What name did Jesus write on His paper at school? There are so many names from which to choose. Would it be Lamb of God, Saviour, Deliverer, King of kings and Lord of lords, Messiah, or Son of David? 

God has given His people many names for Jesus. He did this so we could learn who He is and how He cares for us. Through Isaiah the prophet, God gave many names all at once! 

Prophet Isaiah wrote this in chapter nine of Isaiah many years before Jesus was born. 

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; 

and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called 

Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

Who is the child that is born? Who is the son given to us? God the Son, Jesus, was God’s gift to the world that first Christmas. One of the most famous verses in the Bible explains this. John 3:16 declares, “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life”. This child will be so strong He can give eternal life to everyone who believes in Him! He will be so strong that the governments of the whole world will be easily managed on just one shoulder! 

When someone believes in Jesus, they have eternal life in Heaven with God. One day, they will be able to walk and talk with Him, just like Adam and Eve did before sin ruined the world. In Heaven, Jesus will be our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace in ways our minds cannot understand, yet. 

The good news is Jesus can be these things even now for those who believe in Him. He can be our Wonderful Counsellor, filling us with wonder at who God is and giving us wisdom. Even now Jesus can be our Mighty God, rescuing us from our enemy, sin, and giving us strength to follow Him. Even now Jesus can be our Everlasting Father, the one who gives love, guidance, and help. Even now Jesus can be our Prince of Peace, the One who is with us, bringing us peace. 

God, help us to believe in Jesus so He can be our Wonderful Counsellor, our Mighty God, our Everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace!

Isaiah explains all that the Messiah will be to His people.         Isaiah 9.6-7

How is Jesus (God the Son) like a gift to us from God the Father?

Which name of Jesus would help you most right now in your life?

Thursday 14 December 2023

Jesus is our Messiah

 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ). When He comes, He will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”                     John 4.25-26

The Messiah is the one chosen and sent by God to save God’s people.

Have you ever had to wait for someone special to show up at your house, like a cousin or an aunt? When they arrive there will be smiles and hugs and maybe a treat. Sometimes it seems like you have to wait forever! The Israelites were promised someone good was coming to them, but they had to wait for Him for hundreds of years.

God promised He would send this leader to His people to save them from their enemies, especially the enemy of sin, so they could be close to God again. The prophets in the Bible spoke a lot about this promised leader. Prophets are people who tell the words of God, and when they speak about the future it is called prophecy.

There were hundreds of very prophecies about this special leader sent by God, called the Messiah. There was even a prophecy by the prophet Micah that said He would be born in Bethlehem. So, who was this promised one who would bring God’s people back to Him? Who would fulfill God’s promise to Eve to crush the serpent’s head and sin along with it? Who would fulfill God’s promise to Abraham to bless all nations? Who would fulfill God’s promise to David for a forever kingdom and forever throne? 

God sent many words to the prophets for His people. Then there was silence from God for 400 years. Those who read the Scriptures waited and watched. God’s people watched as their enemies became strong. They waited for the day they could be close to God again, safe in their own land. When would the Messiah come? In the stillness of the night, they prayed for Him to appear. Their hearts ached for the one they knew they needed. All of Bethlehem watched their little children with questioning eyes. 

Jesus is the Messiah. He is the one promised to the Israelites through the prophecies. He is the One promised to Eve, Abraham, and David. He is the promised one sent by God to bring us back to God. His perfect, sin crushing death, and God-glorifying resurrection changed the entire history of God’s people and creation itself. 

One day Jesus will come again to bring His people to heaven, where there will be no more pain, death, or sadness. We who love Jesus now can understand a bit of how God’s people felt before Jesus came the first time, because now we wait for Jesus to come again. Today, Jesus has His kingdom in the hearts of His people, but one day He will come with power to make all His creation new again, His perfect, forever kingdom. Can you imagine what that will be like?

Today, we look forward to when He comes again, not as a baby, but as the powerful King of the World. Jesus is our Messiah and we pray for Him to come back soon. Come, Lord Jesus!

An old man who waited a long time for the Messiah first sees Him.      Luke 2.25-30

What does the name Messiah mean?

How does Jesus, the Messiah, fulfil God’s promises to Eve, Abraham, and David?

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Jesus is our High Priest

Since then we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. Hebrews 4.14

The High Priest was the spiritual leader of God’s people and made sacrifices for their sins.

What could you learn about your friends by visiting their houses? People’s houses and the things inside them show us something about who they are! This was true about God’s house, called the Temple.

God told David’s son, King Solomon, to build a house for Him. He gave King Solomon exact instructions about how it should look. God wanted a place where people could come to be near Him and learn about Him. God is not limited by a building, He is everywhere!, but His presence would be in the Temple in a special way.

The Temple was lovely. It had walls covered in gold! It was decorated with jewels and with carvings of flowers and fruit and angels, but God being there was the most beautiful thing about it. There was an important room called the Holy of Holies. This room held the Ark of the Covenant, a big, golden box with precious things inside, like the Ten Commandments. There were two golden angels on top, and the place in between the angels was called the Mercy Seat. God told His people He would meet with them here.

But the Holy of Holies was too special for just anyone to come inside. Only one person who asked God to atone for (cover over) his sin could go into God’s special room. This person was the greatest leader in the temple, called the high priest. He could only enter the Holy of Holies once a year! When he came in, he had to bring the blood of an animal that had been killed. He would sprinkle the blood on the Mercy Seat and ask for that to cover over the people’s sin.

Jesus did not work at the temple, but He is our great High Priest. He does not need the blood of animals to cover people’s sin. His blood that spilled out on the cross when He died does not just cover sin for a little while, it takes away all sin as if it had never been there. The high priest at the temple only went to God once a year to ask Him to forgive His people. Jesus now sits right beside God in heaven and constantly asks God the Father to help those who are trusting in Him. Jesus is our High Priest.

God speaks about the temple that was just built. 2 Chronicles 7.15-16

What did Jesus do to take away sins?

What could you learn about God from what the temple was like?

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Jesus is the Son of David

 And the crowds that went before Him (Jesus) and that followed Him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”    

Matthew 21.9

The Son of David is a title for Jesus because He is the most important of David’s children and grandchildren.

Look around you. Do you see anything that will last forever? God promised one of the Kings of Israel something that would last forever. What could it be? 

The second king in Israel was David. As a young man he was a shepherd, and he sang songs to God because he loved and trusted in Him. David trusted in God’s strength when he protected sheep against lions and bears. When he was a little older, David trusted in God’s strength when he fought the giant Goliath and killed him. 

Everyone cheered for David’s courage that day. God cheered to see his heart. God knew David loved Him and had faith in Him. He chose David to be Israel’s king. David made many mistakes and sinned, but he kept trusting that God was good. David would turn to God and tell Him how he felt, even after he had sinned. 

God made a promise to David, “your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever.” This meant his children and grandchildren would always rule over Israel. After David died, his son did become king. But before too long, the nation of Israel broke apart. Enemies came into the land and took many of God’s people away to other countries in exile. It seemed like Israel was destroyed forever. 

What about God’s promise to David? God never lies, but He often does things differently from how we think He should. Jesus is called the “Son of David” because He is David’s great-grandson (27 greats). Like David, Jesus had a heart that was faithful to lead God’s people. The people of Israel saw this and called Jesus the Son of David. They thought He was a king who would lead a battle to defeat their enemies. 

Jesus, the Son of David, did come to be a King. But Jesus created His kingdom in the hearts of everyone who trusts in Him. God’s promise to David is true because God knew Jesus would come later in David’s family. Jesus would have a forever house, a forever kingdom, and a forever throne in heaven and in the hearts of His people. 

Jesus came to earth to protect His people in a greater way than defeating one giant. By dying on the cross, He defeated the sin that separated them from God the Father. One day Jesus will come again and show that He is King over all creation! We will see that Jesus’ kingdom is greater and more majestic than David’s kingdom ever was. Everyone will see Jesus on His forever throne. Jesus is the forever King. Jesus is the Son of David.

Here God makes His promises to David.

2 Samuel 7.12, 16

When God promised David a forever kingdom, who would be the forever King?

God fulfilled His promise to David differently than David could have expected. How might we miss seeing God’s fulfilled promises in our lives?

Monday 11 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 10

Only the cherubim saw the Living God pass through the Door and into the visible realm, there to freely wander the corridors of time.

The Lord raised his hand, and suddenly the ancient past appeared. The Lord stepped into the Garden of Eden.

The beauty of the Garden was breath-taking. For a few moments he roamed its verdant meadows, absorbing its floral wonders. He breathed the purity of the air of that bygone era as it had existed before the planet had fallen. Finally, he paused and spoke to the Garden.

“Once the glories of earth and the glories of heaven met and joined here. The best of both realms touched, and you, O Garden, were the meeting place. It was here, primordial Garden, that angels played together, and all the joys of earth and heaven were one. Then came that tragic day. It was necessary that I seal off the heavenlies from the earth. Man was cast out of you, and angels returned to their own realm.  You, O Garden, disappeared from view.

“But my Purpose was not thwarted! I will yet join the highest glory of heaven with the highest that earth affords. And I will do so in the coming hour! But on this occasion, it will not be you, a garden, that will gather the two realities into one. I shall be the joining. I, the Light of the heavenlies, will become man. I, a man of earth, and I, the God of heaven. I will be the coming together of the highest of two realms. I will be the oneness.”

The Living God raised his hand again, and yet another scene from the ancient past appeared. The Lord now stood before a mound, a sculpting of clay. The clay began to stir. Dirt was becoming a living being. Indeed, clay was becoming man!

The Lord watched as the glowing sculpture trembled in n its change from humus to human, from soil to soul. The Lord knelt beside the naked creature and spoke.

“Man, once you were the joining of two realms. I formed you out of the very elements of this planet’s sod, but then I gave you a spirit that came from the very heavenlies. You were, therefore, a creature composed of elements from both realms. The two creations joined within your bosom. A man made two realms one.

“Alas, fair creature, the bond did not hold, for the last ingredient you needed, the highest element of the heavenlies, was never added to you. My life in you. You chose not to partake of my life. What tragedy that you refused to take my life into you. And there followed hard on a tragedy equally as great. You fell. You so dreadfully fell. But that Fall did not thwart my Purpose, my Eternal Purpose.

“The fullness of time is here. Now. Today it will not be man who weds the two creations into one. On this occasion it will be God. Yes, the two creations will join again, this time not in a garden nor in a man, this time the two creations will be joined in God. The highest of all things in heavenly places and the highest of man’s high reaches shall become one, in me.”

The Lord stood and raised his hand. The scene changed once more. What emerged was not something from the ancient past, but the present. The site was an encamped caravan.  The hour was late. All had gone to bed except a desert wanderer and a much beleaguered rabbi who had made the mistake of engaging this bedouin tramp in a religious discussion.

“How can you not believe in God?” exclaimed the rabbi “Look at all there is around you.”

“I did not say I do not believe in God, but only that there is no evidence of him. I say to you, if he does exist, he does not work hard at letting us know it. There is even less evidence that cares for us.”

“But the Scripture says. . .” sputtered the rabbi.

“The Scripture! Forget what is written. If there is a God, then let him come down here where we are. Let him live in this filthy place where we live. Let him smell the stink, let him feel the poverty, let him know pain, let him see the hunger, let him feel the hunger. Let him know what it is to eke out an existence in wretched poverty. Let him see a friend die, feel the agony of loss, the unfairness of death. Let him know what it is to watch a little child die and see him taken from his mother’s arms for burial. Let him see our diseases, the twisted feet, the sockets of blind eyes. Let this God of yours be hated, jeered, cheated, robbed! Let him lose everything he owns at the hands of the wicked. Let him be dragged before a court of law, as was I. Let him discover firsthand how unjust justice really is.”

The bedouin's vehemence grew as he continued. “And sin! He is so interested in whether or not I sin, let him feel my temptation. Let him experience my weaknesses. Then let us see how he feels about all the rules and commands he has put on me, rules I cannot live up to, yet if I do not live up to them,” the bedouin snarled, “he will not like me anymore!

“Let him feel what I feel, here in this miserable aching, decaying body of mine! And then, let him die! Yes, let him die the way I will probably die, like most wanderers die, out here alone. Homeless, uncared for, forsaken, forgotten! If he wants to impress me, let him become like me. Then maybe I will believe in your God, but not until then!”

Though the bedouin did not hear, he nonetheless was given a most astounding reply.

“Bedouin,” said the Lord, “you are wiser than you know. Yes, far wiser than you know.”

The Lord was about to step back into time’s corridors, but paused instead and addressed the desert wanderer once more.

“And, bedouin, we shall meet again, on a high hill. And together we shall die.” He paused again. “And together we shall rise!

“Now I must go, for the hour has come for me to become one with my creation.”

The Lord raised his hand once more. This time he lifted off the planet and rose high above the clouds. For a moment he paused midway between the two realms and viewed the fallen creation.

“My enemy! Sin! Death!” he cried. “You have had your short day! Soon those whom I shall redeem will become one with me. Your frail efforts to thwart my Purpose will end. My ultimate reason for creation, to gather my chosen ones and make them one with me, has never been in jeopardy.

“Soon I will come for those I have chosen in a way that will astound even the angels. Soon I will begin to bridge the chasm that keeps us apart.

“Divinity and humanity, one in me. I will walk the earth. I will live in my creation. I will become visible, for all to see. Nothing now living, or that has ever lived, has seen what is about to be. One who is wholly man and wholly divine.”

With that, the Lord called across the universe. “Come time, come eternity, come spirituals, come physicals, lose your separation and meet in me! Now beyond all thought of man and wildest dream of angels, now in my Eternal Purpose.”

As he stepped back through the Open Door, the Most High God called out one word.


Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords

He (Jesus) who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords.     1 Timothy 6.15


A King is a leader and commander of the people in his land. A Lord is the master who has the power to decide for his people.


The last judge in Israel was Samuel, and God used him in mighty ways to deliver the Israelites from their enemies. Samuel was getting old. The Israelites wondered, who would lead them now? The kings of other countries seemed easy to follow. You could see them and hear them. When other kings would shout out laws from their palaces, Israel’s God and King would whisper to the hearts of His people. God knew this whispering could help the Israelites lean in and stay close to Him, where they could be safe and know His love.

But the Israelites wanted the shouts of a man instead of the whispers of God. They asked Samuel to find a human king. God said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them.”

So, some good kings ruled and some bad kings ruled, but none of them could be as good of a king as God. The bad kings led the people to worship idols. They trusted in those fake gods and turned away from God’s protection. Enemies came into the Israelites’ land, dividing The Kingdom of Israel in two. They forced some Israelites to leave their homes and live far away in exile. God was not surprised. He already knows everything that has been, is now, and will be. Does that fill you with awe to just think about?

About sixty years after Jesus died on the cross, God allowed one of His followers named John to peek into the future. God showed John how King Jesus would come back to earth one day, to set all things right. Jesus will not come as a baby this time, but as a conquering King wearing a robe that says, “King of kings and Lord of lords.” King Jesus is all wise, all knowing, all good, all loving, and all powerful. King Jesus has more power than we can imagine and loves us more completely than we could dream. Unlike other leaders, King Jesus perfectly take care of His people, perfectly protects His people, and perfectly leads His people.

The Israelites wanted a human king they could see. One day, the Israelites desire to see the face of their king will come true for all people. One day everyone will see Jesus, and at His name, “every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” One day every president, prime minister, king, pharaoh, neighbour, friend, man, woman, boy, and girl will bow before King Jesus. What a day that will be! Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords.


Read about the people rejecting God as their King.   

1 Samuel 8.6-7


How does it make you think and feel to know Jesus the King of kings has more power than any teacher, country, or government?

What are things we might think or do to reject Jesus as our King?

Sunday 10 December 2023

Life of Christ part 7 Luke 1.46-56

 LUKE 1.46-56

Having been received and reassured so remarkably by Elizabeth, Mary expressed her heart by glorifying, or magnifying, God in a song of praise. Because this song magnifies the greatness of God, it has been called Mary’s “Magnificat.” In this heartfelt song of praise, Mary extolled the greatness and holiness of God. She acknowledged God’s great power, particularly as it related to the miraculous conception of Jesus in her womb. We can only imagine the kinds of conversations Mary and Elizabeth enjoyed during their time together. But after three months it was time for Mary to return to Nazareth. 

Saturday 9 December 2023

Life of Christ part 6 Luke 1.39-45

 LUKE 1.39-45 

Gabriel had informed Mary that one of her older relatives, Elizabeth, was going to have a baby as well. Mary went to visit Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah, who lived in Judea. When Mary arrived at Elizabeth’s house, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaped for joy! This baby was, of course, John the Baptist. Elizabeth immediately recognized that God had chosen Mary for a special role. She called Mary the mother of the Lord, and pronounced a blessing on Mary. Mary must have been greatly reassured by Elizabeth’s response to her arrival. 

Friday 8 December 2023

Jesus is our Judge

 And He commanded us to preach to the people and testify that He (Jesus) is the one appointed by God to be judge of the living and the dead.          Acts 10.42

A judge is a person who has the authority to observe and decide what is right and wrong.

After their time in the desert, God led the Israelites to the land He had promised Abraham long ago. He wanted them to build houses and enjoy this Promised Land. It was such a nice place to live. Bees could make buckets and buckets of honey visiting all the flowers. The cows had plenty of grass to eat, so they could give gallons and gallons of milk. It was a land flowing with milk and honey!

Before the Israelites settled in, God told them to clean up. He told them to make sure all the other people in this Promised Land leave, because they worshipped fake gods. The people believed that these fake gods, called idols, would give them what they wanted. Does this sound like a familiar lie? Sin tells us we don’t need God and we can be happy without Him. Trusting anything besides the God of the Bible to save us is called idolatry.

But the Israelites didn’t do the one thing God said. Instead of cleaning the evil people out of the land, the Israelites let them stay. Eventually, they decided to marry them! Soon, they were even trusting in the fake gods!

God loves His people too much to leave them alone in their sin. Before long the Israelites were suffering attacks from other countries. They prayed to God for help. His loving response was to send judges to free His people from their enemies.

God sent many different judges to help free His people. God gave Samson amazing muscles and strength to free God’s people. God gave Gideon great ideas and courage to free God’s people. God gave Deborah wisdom and insight to free God’s people. Each time, the judge followed God’s plan and the Israelites could live in peace. Each time God set them free, the Israelites eventually felt they no longer needed Him and turned back to their idols. Again, enemies would attack and Israel would pray and God would send a judge to bring peace. Do you see a pattern?

Jesus is called our “Judge” because He knows what is right and wrong and has the power, position, and authority to give His enemies the punishment they deserve for their sin. The judges in the Promised Land would free God’s people from God’s enemies for a time. Jesus frees us from the enemy of sin forever. Samson had some strength, Gideon had a few ideas, Deborah had limited wisdom, but Jesus has all strength, all knowledge, and all wisdom. No enemy will ever stand against our Judge Jesus and win. Jesus is the best and truest Judge.

This verse shows what happened when the Israelites did not clean up the Promised Land.     Judges 2.12

What was the pattern of the Israelites during the time of Judges?

God saw the Israelites' pattern of behaviour yet kept helping. What does that say about God?

Advent 2023 part 9

She was a teenager. She was beautiful. She was also in love. Only a few days ago she had been betrothed to the young man she adored.

Years ago, in her early childhood, this young woman's parents had moved from their home in Judea and resettled in Galilee. Her fiancé, a carpenter by trade, had recently moved from the village of Bethlehem to Nazareth, to open a carpentry shop.

These two young people, Mary and Joseph by name, had met at one of the local festivals and had fallen in love. Soon thereafter, Joseph had gone to both their parents asking for permission to marry. The two families decided that a marriage was permissible, but the date decided upon was nearly a year away. Joseph was poor, they had agreed, his carpentry business just beginning. Therefore, wisdom dictated that the two should wait at least a year before marrying.

Now, on this very ordinary day, it was destined that an archangel would pay a visit to this young maiden.

“Mary,” came a voice from behind her.

Having never heard a voice quite so commanding, Mary turned quickly about. What she saw caused her to fall to her knees. There was no question in her mind that the creature standing before her belonged to the citizenship of the other realm.

Mary could not imagine what to expect from the mouth of this strange being. Some terrible command? Some awful rebuke? Some prophecy of doom? Perhaps he would smite her with some horrible disease. His words could not have held a more astounding surprise.

“Mary, you are a very blessed young woman. The Lord himself is with you.”

Mary’s eyes darted about as she tried to grasp what these words might mean.

“You do not need to be afraid. Among all the women who have dwelt upon this earth since Eve, you are the most favoured. You are going to conceive a child in your womb. You will bring forth a Son. His name will be Jesus. He will be called the Son of the Most High God, and he will be great.

The throne of his ancestor David will be given to your Son by the Lord God himself. He will reign forever and forever. The kingdom of your Son will never end.”

“I. . .I. . .” Mary stammered. “I do not understand! I am a virgin! I have never touched a man, nor has any man touched me. And my betrothed, it will be a long time before we shall marry.”

Mary’s words met with a long silence, and Mary did not like that. She ventured, therefore, to lift her head and look up at this fearsome looking creature standing before her. To her surprise, what she saw on his face was kindness and gentleness. But more. He seemed to be somewhat awestruck himself. For one fleeting moment she sensed that the angel beheld her with as much wonder as she did him.

Seeing the gentleness upon the face of this unearthly being,  Mary began to feel a deep sense of courage fill her heart.  Drawing upon that courage, she dared rise to her feet and look directly into the eyes of the archangel. She waited.

At last Gabriel spoke.

“It will be no man, it will be the Holy Spirit. He will come upon you. The power of the Most High God will overshadow you. That which will be conceived in you, the holy One who will be born from you, will be called the Son of God. Even now your cousin, Elizabeth, though she is old and past the age of motherhood, has, nonetheless, conceived a son. Elizabeth, who was barren, is now already six months with child.”

Mary’s eyes widened. What she had heard concerning herself was beyond all understanding, but hearing that Elizabeth was also about to bear a child seemed even more astounding.

Gabriel turned to go, as is the way of angels when they have finished their task. But on this occasion he paused for a moment to stand once more in awe of the young woman chosen to bring Almighty God into humanity’s realm.

‘A mere woman’, he mused, incredulous. ‘A human!’

Aloud, he said, “It seems that there is absolutely nothing impossible with our God.”

Stepping back toward the Door, Gabriel was stopped short as Mary boldly advanced toward him. He could not recall having ever seen such a show of human boldness in the presence of an angel. Furthermore, this time it was Mary who had a pronouncement to make. She spoke with such passion that Gabriel was, for an instant, taken aback.

“Behold, I stand here, the handmaiden of my Lord. The words that you have spoken I receive. Let what you have said be done unto me.”

Within the glow of that angelic presence, Mary thought she might have seen a soft smile cross Gabriel’s face.

With this mutually unprecedented encounter, Gabriel stepped onto the threshold of the Door. As he did, he whispered to himself, ‘Truly, our God has chosen well.’


Thursday 7 December 2023

Jesus is the Bread of Life

 Jesus said to them, ”I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me shall not hunger.”

John 6.35

The ‘bread of life' is a person who completely satisfies our spiritual hunger.

If you were going camping for a while, what would be the most important things to take along? After God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, He sent them camping for about forty years! He didn’t send them to a sheltered area by a river with fields of berries. God sent them to a desert. There was no food there. 

Why would God lead His people to where they couldn’t find food for themselves? God wanted them to know He could be trusted to care for them. The Israelites should have already learned this lesson. But even after seeing God’s awe-inspiring power when He saved them at the Passover and the Sea, they seemed to forget God’s goodness and greatness in the blink of an eye. 

In the desert, the Israelites got hungry and quickly complained. God heard them. He decided to give the Israelites bread each day, so they could rely on Him. The next morning, they woke up to see flakes of something all over the ground. The people were so surprised! “What is it?” they asked. It was manna, a sweet flake-like bread from heaven. 

Now they did not have to work hard for their food by planting seeds, weeding the gardens, harvesting the crop, grinding the grain, kneading the dough, or baking the bread. All they had to do was gather it! It was the perfect gift of God for people “on the go” in a desert land. God provided in one food all the things their bodies needed for life and health, and it tasted sweet too! 

Jesus is called the “Bread of Life.” The bread in the desert provided a way for God’s people to survive physically. Jesus provides a way for God’s people to live spiritually. When we trust Jesus, He softly, invisibly fills up our hearts with Himself. Then we will be fulfilled and happy because we will be close to God now on earth and we will be close to God one day in heaven forever. 

Like the bread in the desert, our “Bread of Life” is sweet, filling, and all we need! We do not have to work to fill our hungry hearts. Jesus gives Himself freely to us so we can learn to be sure of Him. 

When your heart feels hungry with loneliness, Jesus can fill it with His friendship. When your heart feels hungry with sadness, Jesus can fill it with His joy. When your heart feels hungry with fear, Jesus can fill it with His peace. Jesus is our true Bread of Life.

This is what it was like the first time manna appeared.     Exodus 16.14-15

Manna was the Israelites' main food for a long, long time. They were amazed by the miracle of manna at first, but before too long, it didn’t seem like a big deal anymore. What are some ways God has provided for you or your family that are a big deal? (That you might not really notice anymore)

When your heart feels hungry for something, what do you think about Jesus calling Himself the bread of life?

Advent 2023 part 8

 This was the first time in all angelic memory that the Most High God had come to the passageway between the two worlds. Gabriel alone accompanied him.

“The fullness of time has arrived,” said the Lord God. “What you are about to do is no less than to begin revealing ‘the mystery'. My Eternal Purpose, the Purpose for which I created the worlds, is about to be made known. Be sure, Gabriel, no mind has ever conceived nor even dreamed what that Purpose is.”

There is little that any angel fears, and certainly even less that might unnerve an archangel. But Gabriel was shaken to the core to learn that he would be the one to first herald these tidings.

As the conversation came to an end. Gabriel bowed low before his God. Turning to face the Door, the angel trembled at the realisation of where it would open.

Gabriel hesitated. Almost in angelic embarrassment, he spoke again.

“On several occasions you have. . . well, to say the least. . . surprised the angelic host. That day in Egypt when you challenged the angel of death, Azell, when you revealed to us that on some unknown future day you would be. . . wounded!

“Then there are those rumours that have been among us almost from the day of our creation. Often we have asked, ‘Why did he create? What is his ultimate Purpose?’ My Lord, we have wondered often concerning your Purpose. But never before has any creature, even Recorder, ever heard the words, ‘my eternal Purpose.’ An eternal Purpose, Lord? Eternal? A Purpose that reaches far beyond even salvation for mankind? A Purpose before the Fall, a Purpose before creation, a Purpose that will continue into eternity even after redemption itself is complete? May we dare inquire as to that Purpose?”

“A little longer, Gabriel, then you shall know. A little longer. . . and all the host of heaven shall know.”

With that, Gabriel turned toward his task. As he stepped onto the threshold of the now-open Door, he heard a girl’s voice. Whoever she was, she was singing.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Jesus is the One who Sets us Free

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

John 8.36


“The one who sets us free" is the person who frees us from sin and the effects of sin.


Have you ever told a lie and then felt trapped? If you admitted you told the lie, you might get in trouble. It felt like you had to keep lying to protect the one lie. Sin always seems to trap us. But God wants us to enjoy His freedom. Jesus coming to set us free was always God’s perfect plan from the beginning. God was not surprised by Adam and Eve’s sin or Pharaoh’s hard heart.

Yet, Pharaoh was surely shocked by God’s power. That bully Pharaoh thought he was bigger and stronger than God, until God showed Pharaoh that He controlled even the breath of his firstborn son. Pharaoh finally realised just how powerful the one true God was, so he let God’s people go.

Millions of Israelites feet walked out of Egypt that day. Moses followed God’s direction and led all the boys, girls, men, and women of Abraham’s family toward a great sea.

But it was not long before Pharaoh’s fear was washed away by a wave of anger that all his slaves were gone. Pharaoh and his soldiers got their horses and chariots and chased after the Israelites. God’s people could not possibly fight him and win. They were trapped, with the sea in front of them and their enemies behind them.

Moses told the scared Israelites, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. . . The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” That night God blocked Pharaoh and his men from moving forward. And then God blew back the waters of the sea. The breath that spoke all creation into existence had no trouble blowing back the waters of the sea until there was dry land.

Now, all those feet that had just walked out of Egypt made footprints on the bottom of the sea. Abraham’s family walked to safety while staying dry. When Pharaoh and his men tried to chase the Israelites, God allowed the sea to rush back over them. They all died.

After 400 years of slavery, the Israelites had escaped their slave master, Pharaoh. They would never have to make another brick or move a single stone for him again. They sang songs of praise to God. God had set them free!

Jesus sets us free from slavery to sin. Sin ties us down with lies that God doesn’t really love us. Sin captures our joy and freedom with the lies that we don’t need to listen to God and that we’ll be happier without Him. If we believe one sinful lie, soon we will hear a new lie that sounds good to follow. It seems like we cannot escape the endless work of trying to be happy in sin. So, we are slaves to sin.

Not only does Jesus set our minds free from the chains of sinful ideas, but He sets our souls free from the ultimate effect of sin. Sin always locks us up far from the one true, loving God. When we believe in Jesus, He breaks the slavery to sin that keeps us trapped. With those chains gone, we burst into song celebrating our escape and the one who freed us. When Jesus frees us, we are truly free. He fills us with peace and love. Jesus is the One who sets us free.


Moses and the people celebrate with a praise song to God.

Exodus 15.1-2


What does Jesus set us free from?

Who is truly free, someone who believes in Jesus who is in jail or someone taking a walk in your neighbourhood who does not believe in Jesus?

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Jesus is the Lamb of God

Behold, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!         John 1.29


The lamb of God is a name for the perfect person who takes the punishment we deserve for sin.


Have you ever noticed one kid will bully and be mean to another kid just to keep some power? Abraham’s family, who were called the Israelites, were bullied in Egypt for 400 years. The new Pharaoh forgot Joseph but remembered the huge numbers of Israelites. Pharaoh was afraid they might try to take over, so he forced Abraham’s family to be slaves. They worked all day making muddy bricks and hauling big stones. Some Israelites cried out in prayer to God. God still loved them and His plan to rescue them was still on time.

One day an Egyptian Princess wanted to bring a little Israelite baby boy home to live with her, but he was too young to be separated from his mother. So this baby boy, Moses, spent years listening to his mother talk and sing about God and Abraham before he moved to the palace. God positioned Moses perfectly in both families so he could help rescue Abraham’s family, called the Israelites, from slavery.

God spoke to Moses and instructed him to tell Pharaoh’, “Let my people go!” Pharaoh answered, “No!” So, God sent terrible things called plagues. Each plague matched a fake god of the Egyptians to prove God’s truth and power over those fake gods. The water turned into blood, the frogs hopped in by the thousands, flies buzzed by the millions, sores oozed by the billions! But the bully Pharaoh refused to admit God’s ultimate power!

While the Egyptians suffered, God kept His people safe from the plagues, but the worst plague was coming. Abraham’s family had to prepare. Each family had to kill a lamb right before the dark of night. They were to put the lamb’s blood on the tops and sides of their wooden door frames to show they believed God.

That night at midnight God came into Egypt. The door frames not stained in lamb’s blood were doors God entered and killed the firstborn child of the family. This night is still remembered among the Israelites. It is called the Passover because God passed over the families who put blood on their doorposts.

Crying filled the night as people woke up to death. The Egyptians trembled with fear, so Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. The Egyptians were so happy the Israelites were going, they gave them gold and silver and treasure to take with them. The Israelites saw that God has more power than any bully. Awe for God and faith in Him grew in their hearts.

Jesus is called the “Lamb of God”. He was killed just like the Passover lamb. His blood stained not a wooden door frame, but a wooden cross. The Passover lamb’s blood kept people’s bodies alive. The Lamb of God’s blood keeps people’s souls alive.

Jesus is an even better and more perfect sacrifice than the Passover lamb. His blood does not prevent just one night of God’s judgement. Jesus’ sacrifice takes away sin to prevent God’s forever judgement. He is our truer and better Passover lamb. He is the Lamb of God.


God explains the night of Passover     Exodus 12.12-14


Why is the name “Lamb of God” a good name for Jesus?

What feelings and thoughts do you have about Jesus being your Lamb of God?

Advent 2023 part 7

 The most sacred offering of the day was about to be offered. It was a high hour for the priests as they cast lots to choose who would go alone into the Holy Place and there make the sacred offering. Those who had never made this offering waited in anticipation. 

Today the lot fell to the oldest priest present, a man named Zachariah. As his name was announced, one of the other priests knelt beside him and tied a rope around his ankle. Should Zachariah see the face of God while he was in the Holy Place, he would surely die. The rope would then serve to recover the body. 

Zachariah stood before the entrance to the temple both terrified and expectant. Slowly he entered the Holy Place, studied this mysterious room, and then began to perform the ancient rituals of his ancient faith. 

Little did Zachariah realize as he began his priestly task outside the temple that the Door between the two realms was at his very own home where his wife, Elizabeth, was praying. And little did he realize as he entered the Holy Place that the Door had moved and had come to rest within that part of the temple where he now stood.

 From out of the other realm Gabriel stepped into the sacred room. Zachariah, aware that someone stood behind him, turned to see what audacious priest had dared follow him into the Holy Place. 

But Zachariah beheld no priest. What he saw was the most incredible being that human eyes might dare to gaze upon. Before him, standing to the right of the altar of incense, was a shining being from the other realm. 

“Who. . . are. . .you?" asked a terrified Zachariah. 

But from out of the mouth of the angel came words as reassuring as Zachariah had ever heard. 

“Do not be afraid. I am here to tell you that your prayers for the deliverance of Israel have been heard. Your wife, Elizabeth, will bear a son. When the child is born, you are to name him John. And on the day of his birth you will be joyful and full of gladness.

 There will be many who will rejoice at the birth of your son, for he will grow to be great in the eyes of your Lord. He will not drink wine, nor any other strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even when he is in his mother’s womb.

 Furthermore, many of the people of Israel will be turned to the Lord God because of him, and it will be your son who will go before the Lord. He will go in the spirit and the power of Elijah. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. The disobedient he will turn to the wisdom of righteousness. It will be the task of your son to prepare a people for the Lord when he comes.”

Zachariah, dazed in the presence of the glowing angel, began to shake his head. “No, no! That is not possible. No, no! This cannot be. How can I know this is true? Look at me. You see I am an old man. And my wife is past the time of childbearing.”

Gabriel was not accustomed to living in a realm where things that were true were also doubted. He took a step toward Zechariah and glared down at him.

“I am the angel of God. I am the announcer of the will of the Most High. It is I who stand in the very presence of the Lord. It is my God, the Almighty God, who sent me here to speak to you. I have brought you glad tidings, and you have not believed. Therefore, you shall be dumb! You will not speak another word until the day these things come to pass. You have not believed my words, but in time my words will be fulfilled.”

With that, Gabriel vanished.

‘Where has he gone?’ marveled Zachariah. ‘How could he have just disappeared?’

This very confused priest was about to demand the archangel's return, only to discover that he had lost his voice! In horror, Zachariah clutched at his throat with one hand and clawed at the air with the other. He began beating on the golden walls trying to find the secret passageway by which the angel had so suddenly departed. His efforts were futile, however, for the creature whom he so desperately sought was now a universe away.

Finally Zachariah ran, most unceremoniously, out of the Holy Place and into the courtyard, all the while pointing at his throat with both his hands. Seeing that no one understood him, he pointed to his eyes, gesturing frantically, trying to describe with his hands the lighted creature he had just seen. All in all, he did no more than make himself a spectacle before the waiting throng. His gestures were unclear, but the message was obvious. Zechariah had seen some sort of vision within the temple and had been struck dumb at the sight of it.

Monday 4 December 2023

Jesus is the Deliverer

Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come

1 Thessalonians 1.10


A deliverer is one who brings people out of danger into safety


Have you ever looked at the stars at night? In the city you might only see a few. Way out in the countryside you can see what seems like millions and billions of stars. Abraham is well on his way to having that many children in his family! One of his great-grandchildren was Joseph. You may have heard about him because he loved to wear a colourful coat his dad gave him. He had that coat because his dad liked Joseph best of all his sons.

God gave Joseph many great ideas, often in dreams. Joseph’s brothers were tired of their father’s favourite son and his dreams, so they sold him as a slave to people travelling to Egypt. Joseph had a hard time in Egypt, but God protected him. He made Joseph smart and gave him the ability to understand what dreams meant. Before long, Joseph was right beside the king, Pharaoh, helping lead the whole country! His brothers did not think that would happen!

But famine was on its way to everyone in and around Egypt. Famine means the ground would not grow food people needed. Hunger reached far and wide, even all the way up to Joseph’s family! They headed to Egypt to buy food from the only person who had it. They had no idea it was going to be their brother!

God gave Joseph good ideas to prepare for the famine. He had everyone in Egypt store up food before the famine began. Joseph’s brothers got a shock to see the brother they had sold as a slave helping to lead Egypt! They pleaded with Joseph for forgiveness. God helped Joseph see something big, what his brothers meant for evil, God meant for good, to help all of Abraham’s family have food to survive. Before long, the whole family moved to be with Joseph in Egypt!

With God’s help, Joseph delivered his family and many others from starving to death. God used Joseph to save Abraham’s family and keep His promise to Abraham, “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Jesus would be not just a family member, but the Deliverer, too.

Jesus would one day deliver all the families of the earth from a hunger for relationship with God. Joseph delivered his family from starving to death. Jesus can deliver us from a forever death separated from God. Then, we can be safe with God forever in heaven, filled with God’s love, happiness, and freedom.

But why does Jesus need to deliver us? God has the right to be angry about our sin. Jesus accepted God’s anger and punishment (God’s wrath) for our sin on the cross. Jesus delivered us from the punishment we deserve from God by taking the punishment on Himself. Wow, isn’t that amazing? Jesus delivers peace and a forever life close to God (in heaven) to all who have faith in Him. Jesus is our Deliverer.


Joseph tells his brothers how he felt.     Genesis 50.19-20


Things like pizza, mail, and packages are delivered every day. Jesus is a much more important, eternal deliverer. What does Jesus deliver to us?

If God could change the bad things that happened to Joseph into good, how could we think or feel differently about bad things when they come?

Advent 2023 part 6

 The two archangels thrust and parried, then whirling about, crashed their swords one against the other. Again and again the weapons changed like discordant bells, while a chant of dark screams rose and fell in demonic chorus.

Little by little the angel of light gave way under Michael's devastating blows. On and on Michael pressed the battle, and as he did, the Door advanced with him. Gabriel silent and still, stood upon its threshold and waited.

Michael had at last driven Lucifer back to the very edge of his dark domain. Just beyond lay earth. The victory seemed certain. Heaven and earth would once more touch, and commerce would once again be known between the two realms.

Lucifer paused, his eyes flashing blue-white, his whole gesture pouring forth blinding light. Raising his sword with wicked glee, he declared what Michael wished least to hear but surely could not deny.

“This is as far as you can go, Michael, for here you stand in my kingdom. You have no authority to drive me out. By decree, the skies are mine. You have come this far, but you will go no further.”

Michael knew that what the fallen archangel had spoken was indeed true. For a moment Michael wrestled within himself, seeking to discover his next move.

“I have a mission to perform,” he said to himself. “The Most High God has sent me as an envoy to earth. I must pass beyond this point.” Suddenly within his spirit the answer came, as Michael recalled a word that he had spoken to Lucifer in ages long past.

Gabriel stood dumbfounded as he watched Michael not only lower his sword in the presence of his archenemy, but beyond all belief, even sheath his weapon. Was this defeat? Surely Michael, of all creatures, had not given up! Gabriel watched, motionless, as Michael raised himself to his full height, his raiment glowing pure white. Illuminated by liquid rage, Michael stepped forward, well into the range of Lucifer's sword, and then thundered his reply.

“For once you have spoken that which is true. I have no authority to drive you from this domain, for it was given you by the Most High God when you were thrust from the spiritual realm long ago. I cannot, therefore, in that way order you. Not can I rebuke you. But there is One who can.”

“In the name of the Living God, you are rebuked, Lucifer. Step out of my path! Begone! In the name of my Lord and yours, you are rebuked.”

A hell-chilling scream rose from Lucifer’s throat. His light shone white, then blue, then flared into a flaming black. The chorus of demonic wails subsided.

Lucifer vanished with the wails.

Michael unsheathed his sword and hurled one last blow against the wall of brass. The shield collapsed. Michael had slain the dark. The blue-green of earth lay just beyond.

Suddenly, the Door moved, and came to rest within a sparsely furnished room. From somewhere in the shadows a prayer could be heard. It was a woman's voice. As she spoke, her prayer passed through the Door and at last ascended unhindered to the very throne of God.

“Lord, take away my shame. Though I am past the years of a fruitful womb, hear my prayer. Give me a child. A son. Give him to me and I will give him back to you for your purpose. . . for the accomplishment of your will upon the earth.”

Gabriel stepped into the room and for a moment stood beside the gray-haired woman beside her bed.

‘You do not know', Gabriel spoke within himself. ‘You do not know. . . but your prayers have been heard, your reproach removed. You will bear a son. But more. This day has set in motion things that will alter all ages to come.’