Monday 18 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 13

Every son and daughter of Adam ever born has been born of the seed of man, the mutated chromosome of the male forever passing on to Adam’s race the damning legacy of the Fall.

Yet long ago, in the first book of Moses, it had been foretold that once, and only once, a man-child would be born of the seed of a woman. And it would be this Son of a woman’s seed who would destroy the enemy of God.

And so it came to pass that once, and only once, a man-child was born of the seed of woman.

And the woman’s name was Mary.

While Mary slept, the Holy Spirit overshadowed this young maiden, and the seed of woman sprang into germination. And in this wondrous seed there was no stain of sin of the descendants of Adam.

So from Mary’s exotic seed there began to form a soul and body unscarred by the history of fallen man.

In that same mysterious moment, an even greater wonder emerged, for the very DNA of God joined with this unique seed. And so there joined in this one-cell embryo an unblemished body and soul from the visible realm. And from the invisible realm there was joined in this embryo a living spirit, even the very Spirit and life of God.

The very essence of all that God is pulsated deep within that man-child embryo. Behold, the genetics of an u fallen man growing together with the genetics of God.

Residing within these now multiplying cells was a truly living human spirit. Surely nothing like this had existed since Adam’s spirit flickered out in the Garden and Adam died to the spiritual realm.

And this it came about that there was conceived, once, and only once, One who was wholly Son of Man and wholly Son of God.

Earth had never witnessed such a conception, sinless man, with the very life of God the Father dwelling within. Heaven had never witnessed such a conception, Almighty God become visible in human form, in the physical realm!

What grew in Mary’s womb was a being unlike any creature that had ever existed before. Would he remain unique, a glorious one-of-a-kind, or did he portend the beginning of a new species?

Whatever this One was, whatever he would become, his conception was quite simply the greatest single miracle of all time.

For in that hour, God became a man!

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