Thursday 7 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 8

 This was the first time in all angelic memory that the Most High God had come to the passageway between the two worlds. Gabriel alone accompanied him.

“The fullness of time has arrived,” said the Lord God. “What you are about to do is no less than to begin revealing ‘the mystery'. My Eternal Purpose, the Purpose for which I created the worlds, is about to be made known. Be sure, Gabriel, no mind has ever conceived nor even dreamed what that Purpose is.”

There is little that any angel fears, and certainly even less that might unnerve an archangel. But Gabriel was shaken to the core to learn that he would be the one to first herald these tidings.

As the conversation came to an end. Gabriel bowed low before his God. Turning to face the Door, the angel trembled at the realisation of where it would open.

Gabriel hesitated. Almost in angelic embarrassment, he spoke again.

“On several occasions you have. . . well, to say the least. . . surprised the angelic host. That day in Egypt when you challenged the angel of death, Azell, when you revealed to us that on some unknown future day you would be. . . wounded!

“Then there are those rumours that have been among us almost from the day of our creation. Often we have asked, ‘Why did he create? What is his ultimate Purpose?’ My Lord, we have wondered often concerning your Purpose. But never before has any creature, even Recorder, ever heard the words, ‘my eternal Purpose.’ An eternal Purpose, Lord? Eternal? A Purpose that reaches far beyond even salvation for mankind? A Purpose before the Fall, a Purpose before creation, a Purpose that will continue into eternity even after redemption itself is complete? May we dare inquire as to that Purpose?”

“A little longer, Gabriel, then you shall know. A little longer. . . and all the host of heaven shall know.”

With that, Gabriel turned toward his task. As he stepped onto the threshold of the now-open Door, he heard a girl’s voice. Whoever she was, she was singing.

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