Saturday 2 December 2023

Life of Christ pt5 Luke 1.26-38

 LUKE 1.26-38 

Shortly after appearing to Zechariah, Gabriel had another amazing message to deliver. This time God sent Gabriel to a humble virgin living in Nazareth, a tiny town in Galilee. This virgin’s name was Mary. Gabriel assured Mary of God’s presence in her life and assured her that she need not be afraid. In fact, she should rejoice because she had found special favour in God’s sight. Gabriel informed Mary that she would soon be expecting a child, a son, whom she was to name Jesus, meaning Saviour. This son, Jesus, would be no ordinary child. He would come to be known as “the Son of the Most High,” that is, the Son of God. Jesus would become the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies, ruling on David’s throne forever. 

Mary, of course, was deeply puzzled by this angelic prediction. She asked Gabriel how she could possibly have a child since she was a virgin. Gabriel assured Mary that God was going to do a supernatural work in her life. The Holy Spirit of God would engender life in her womb. This son of Mary would also be the Son of God. Unlike the accounts of mythological gods who often took advantage of humble maidens, the account of Mary’s miraculous conception is filled with purity and holiness. God created human life in Mary’s womb, miraculously and eternally joining Jesus’ divine and human natures. Mary humbly accepted the angel’s announcement and said, “I am the Lord’s servant.” She submitted herself to the will of God, and God blessed Mary by allowing her to become the mother of Jesus. 

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