Tuesday 5 December 2023

Jesus is the Lamb of God

Behold, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!         John 1.29


The lamb of God is a name for the perfect person who takes the punishment we deserve for sin.


Have you ever noticed one kid will bully and be mean to another kid just to keep some power? Abraham’s family, who were called the Israelites, were bullied in Egypt for 400 years. The new Pharaoh forgot Joseph but remembered the huge numbers of Israelites. Pharaoh was afraid they might try to take over, so he forced Abraham’s family to be slaves. They worked all day making muddy bricks and hauling big stones. Some Israelites cried out in prayer to God. God still loved them and His plan to rescue them was still on time.

One day an Egyptian Princess wanted to bring a little Israelite baby boy home to live with her, but he was too young to be separated from his mother. So this baby boy, Moses, spent years listening to his mother talk and sing about God and Abraham before he moved to the palace. God positioned Moses perfectly in both families so he could help rescue Abraham’s family, called the Israelites, from slavery.

God spoke to Moses and instructed him to tell Pharaoh’, “Let my people go!” Pharaoh answered, “No!” So, God sent terrible things called plagues. Each plague matched a fake god of the Egyptians to prove God’s truth and power over those fake gods. The water turned into blood, the frogs hopped in by the thousands, flies buzzed by the millions, sores oozed by the billions! But the bully Pharaoh refused to admit God’s ultimate power!

While the Egyptians suffered, God kept His people safe from the plagues, but the worst plague was coming. Abraham’s family had to prepare. Each family had to kill a lamb right before the dark of night. They were to put the lamb’s blood on the tops and sides of their wooden door frames to show they believed God.

That night at midnight God came into Egypt. The door frames not stained in lamb’s blood were doors God entered and killed the firstborn child of the family. This night is still remembered among the Israelites. It is called the Passover because God passed over the families who put blood on their doorposts.

Crying filled the night as people woke up to death. The Egyptians trembled with fear, so Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. The Egyptians were so happy the Israelites were going, they gave them gold and silver and treasure to take with them. The Israelites saw that God has more power than any bully. Awe for God and faith in Him grew in their hearts.

Jesus is called the “Lamb of God”. He was killed just like the Passover lamb. His blood stained not a wooden door frame, but a wooden cross. The Passover lamb’s blood kept people’s bodies alive. The Lamb of God’s blood keeps people’s souls alive.

Jesus is an even better and more perfect sacrifice than the Passover lamb. His blood does not prevent just one night of God’s judgement. Jesus’ sacrifice takes away sin to prevent God’s forever judgement. He is our truer and better Passover lamb. He is the Lamb of God.


God explains the night of Passover     Exodus 12.12-14


Why is the name “Lamb of God” a good name for Jesus?

What feelings and thoughts do you have about Jesus being your Lamb of God?

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