Sunday 24 December 2023

Life of Christ part 11 Luke 2.1-7

 LUKE 2.1-7

Only Luke gives us the details of Jesus’ birth, the Christmas story as it’s come to be known. But those details are precious! It all took place during the reign of Caesar Augustus, ruler of the Roman Empire. Through God’s providential direction, Augustus ordered a census throughout his expansive domain. As a result, people had to return to their ancestral homes to register in this census. Because Joseph was a descendant of David, he and Mary left Nazareth and went to David’s hometown, Bethlehem. While they were in Bethlehem the time came for Mary’s baby to be born. Bethlehem was apparently overcrowded at the time due to the requirements of the census, so Joseph and Mary had taken up the best lodging they could find. There, in a humble stable, Mary gave birth to a baby boy. There, Mary lovingly wrapped this child in the best bundling cloth she could provide. There, Mary placed her new-born son in a manger, the only cradle available in these humble surroundings. There lay her son, the Son of God, surrounded by love and humility and joy and curiosity. There lay Jesus.

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