Thursday 14 December 2023

Jesus is our Messiah

 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ). When He comes, He will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.”                     John 4.25-26

The Messiah is the one chosen and sent by God to save God’s people.

Have you ever had to wait for someone special to show up at your house, like a cousin or an aunt? When they arrive there will be smiles and hugs and maybe a treat. Sometimes it seems like you have to wait forever! The Israelites were promised someone good was coming to them, but they had to wait for Him for hundreds of years.

God promised He would send this leader to His people to save them from their enemies, especially the enemy of sin, so they could be close to God again. The prophets in the Bible spoke a lot about this promised leader. Prophets are people who tell the words of God, and when they speak about the future it is called prophecy.

There were hundreds of very prophecies about this special leader sent by God, called the Messiah. There was even a prophecy by the prophet Micah that said He would be born in Bethlehem. So, who was this promised one who would bring God’s people back to Him? Who would fulfill God’s promise to Eve to crush the serpent’s head and sin along with it? Who would fulfill God’s promise to Abraham to bless all nations? Who would fulfill God’s promise to David for a forever kingdom and forever throne? 

God sent many words to the prophets for His people. Then there was silence from God for 400 years. Those who read the Scriptures waited and watched. God’s people watched as their enemies became strong. They waited for the day they could be close to God again, safe in their own land. When would the Messiah come? In the stillness of the night, they prayed for Him to appear. Their hearts ached for the one they knew they needed. All of Bethlehem watched their little children with questioning eyes. 

Jesus is the Messiah. He is the one promised to the Israelites through the prophecies. He is the One promised to Eve, Abraham, and David. He is the promised one sent by God to bring us back to God. His perfect, sin crushing death, and God-glorifying resurrection changed the entire history of God’s people and creation itself. 

One day Jesus will come again to bring His people to heaven, where there will be no more pain, death, or sadness. We who love Jesus now can understand a bit of how God’s people felt before Jesus came the first time, because now we wait for Jesus to come again. Today, Jesus has His kingdom in the hearts of His people, but one day He will come with power to make all His creation new again, His perfect, forever kingdom. Can you imagine what that will be like?

Today, we look forward to when He comes again, not as a baby, but as the powerful King of the World. Jesus is our Messiah and we pray for Him to come back soon. Come, Lord Jesus!

An old man who waited a long time for the Messiah first sees Him.      Luke 2.25-30

What does the name Messiah mean?

How does Jesus, the Messiah, fulfil God’s promises to Eve, Abraham, and David?

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