Monday 4 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 6

 The two archangels thrust and parried, then whirling about, crashed their swords one against the other. Again and again the weapons changed like discordant bells, while a chant of dark screams rose and fell in demonic chorus.

Little by little the angel of light gave way under Michael's devastating blows. On and on Michael pressed the battle, and as he did, the Door advanced with him. Gabriel silent and still, stood upon its threshold and waited.

Michael had at last driven Lucifer back to the very edge of his dark domain. Just beyond lay earth. The victory seemed certain. Heaven and earth would once more touch, and commerce would once again be known between the two realms.

Lucifer paused, his eyes flashing blue-white, his whole gesture pouring forth blinding light. Raising his sword with wicked glee, he declared what Michael wished least to hear but surely could not deny.

“This is as far as you can go, Michael, for here you stand in my kingdom. You have no authority to drive me out. By decree, the skies are mine. You have come this far, but you will go no further.”

Michael knew that what the fallen archangel had spoken was indeed true. For a moment Michael wrestled within himself, seeking to discover his next move.

“I have a mission to perform,” he said to himself. “The Most High God has sent me as an envoy to earth. I must pass beyond this point.” Suddenly within his spirit the answer came, as Michael recalled a word that he had spoken to Lucifer in ages long past.

Gabriel stood dumbfounded as he watched Michael not only lower his sword in the presence of his archenemy, but beyond all belief, even sheath his weapon. Was this defeat? Surely Michael, of all creatures, had not given up! Gabriel watched, motionless, as Michael raised himself to his full height, his raiment glowing pure white. Illuminated by liquid rage, Michael stepped forward, well into the range of Lucifer's sword, and then thundered his reply.

“For once you have spoken that which is true. I have no authority to drive you from this domain, for it was given you by the Most High God when you were thrust from the spiritual realm long ago. I cannot, therefore, in that way order you. Not can I rebuke you. But there is One who can.”

“In the name of the Living God, you are rebuked, Lucifer. Step out of my path! Begone! In the name of my Lord and yours, you are rebuked.”

A hell-chilling scream rose from Lucifer’s throat. His light shone white, then blue, then flared into a flaming black. The chorus of demonic wails subsided.

Lucifer vanished with the wails.

Michael unsheathed his sword and hurled one last blow against the wall of brass. The shield collapsed. Michael had slain the dark. The blue-green of earth lay just beyond.

Suddenly, the Door moved, and came to rest within a sparsely furnished room. From somewhere in the shadows a prayer could be heard. It was a woman's voice. As she spoke, her prayer passed through the Door and at last ascended unhindered to the very throne of God.

“Lord, take away my shame. Though I am past the years of a fruitful womb, hear my prayer. Give me a child. A son. Give him to me and I will give him back to you for your purpose. . . for the accomplishment of your will upon the earth.”

Gabriel stepped into the room and for a moment stood beside the gray-haired woman beside her bed.

‘You do not know', Gabriel spoke within himself. ‘You do not know. . . but your prayers have been heard, your reproach removed. You will bear a son. But more. This day has set in motion things that will alter all ages to come.’

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