Friday 15 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 11

The entire angelic throng had gathered, swarming in a vast circle around the most ancient of all the angels. Anticipation charged the air. Whatever it was Recorder had to tell them, they knew for a certainty it was unprecedented. The fact that it was Recorder and not Gabriel making this announcement was in itself unique.

“What I have to announce to you is not something I fully understand,” began Recorder. “And what you hear you will not entirely grasp. None of us will ever fully know what is taking place this hour. But this much can be said. Creation has entered into a new era. The very Purpose for which the Living God created our two realms is now unfolding. This hour will forever mark the moment when our Lord began to reveal the Mystery.”

The word Purpose slipped past the angels, but when Recorder uttered the word Mystery, an angel-wide gasp swept through the multitude. Rumours of some undisclosed wonder had been whispered among the heavenly citizens almost since the moment of their creation.

“And what it is we are about to see,” Recorder continued, “I am not sure. As best I can, I share with you what the Living God has shared with me. It is beyond all belief, the eternal Son of God, the very life and essence of the Father, the very inmost portion of his being, is about to. . .”

Recorder paused. Had the light of the heavenlies blinked?  Yes, something about the heavenly light, for one brief moment, had been altered.

There was a long silence. Then Recorder spoke again.

“Momentarily there will take place the greatest event ever to be known in all the history of creation.”

It happened again, some almost imperceptible change in the light that lighted heaven.

One of the angels turned in the direction of the throne of God. What he saw was ineffable. In a moment the eyes of all the angelic host had turned in the same direction.

The throne and the Door, as never before, had drawn together. And, at the same time, the very light of the life of God was unfolding itself into one brilliant but very small area just in front of the Door.

Angels watched in astonishment as the tiny light grew more intense. So bright became this concentration of light that angels, who are able to look even into the very face of God, now stood blinded by this brilliance.

‘It is as though all the light of the spirituals is gathering into one infinitesimal place,’ thought Michael, as he raised his hand to shield his eyes.

Now the Door between the two realms opened again. The cherubim, whose faces had brought fear to even archangels, now stood transfixed in terror.

The entire angelic host, still blinded by this infinitely bright light, intuitively moved toward the Door. Could it be that something of the very essence and totality of God was about to pass into the other realm?

In the midst of this incomprehensible moment, the voice of Recorder sounded forth once again.

“Many of us have passed through this portal that joins our two realms. Long ago, as you recall, the Door was always open. The two realms joined together, at a place called Eden. After the Great Tragedy, the Door closed.

“On infrequent occasions, at the command of our God, the Door has opened. Several times the Lord stepped through this Door to visit Abraham. Once this Door opened for Moses and the seventy elders to step into our realm. Once also for Isaiah, who stood in this very doorway and looked upon our dwelling place. But always the Door has closed again. Michael and Gabriel have recently made possible an unhindered passage from this realm to the world of men. The Door has opened in Judea in the home of Elizabeth, and again in that replica of the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem where Gabriel has spoken face to face with Zachariah. But never before has anything such as this occurred.

“Today, the Door opens inside a woman’s womb!”

At that very instant the dazzling concentration of light plunged through the open Door and into the visible realm.

Stupefied angels, utterly without insight as to what had just happened, turned back to face Recorder and to wonder at what it was Gabriel and Michael had made possible by their recent visit to earth.

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