Sunday 17 December 2023

Life of Christ part 9 Luke 1.67-80

 LUKE 1.67-80

Now that Zechariah could once again speak, he opened his mouth with a prophetic declaration. Zechariah praised God for redeeming and saving His people. This act of redemption, this saving work of God would take place not many years later through Jesus Christ. It’s interesting that Zechariah’s prophetic song begins, not with his own son John, but with God’s Son, Jesus. But then Zechariah refers to his own son, predicting that John would become a prophet of the Most High. John would lead the way, preparing people for the Lord’s arrival. John’s role would be both influential and monumental. God was beginning a new work among His people. John the Baptist would open the door for that new work, and in would walk Jesus Christ. 

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