Sunday 3 December 2023

Advent 2023 part5

 Again and again the sword pierced the brass. Light flooded the black void. Below, creatures of the darkness could be seen forming a first line of defence, but not before Michael had ripped a gaping hole in the shield of their domain. 

Now Michael boldly stepped into that realm which was claimed by his enemy. Shrieks of anger and cries of fear rose out of the belly of the darkness, but Michael’s sword continued to slash and rip as the forces of the enemy fell back in disarray against his relentless onslaught. 

The Door followed hard on Michael’s advance. The barrier that stood between earth and the heavenlies was crumbling before his assault. Unquenchable rays of light swarmed into the blackness. 

Suddenly a voice rose from the innermost depth of that dark domain. 

“Fools! How dare you fall back? There is no power to equal mine. No creature dare assault my kingdom. None can conquer here. What fool has dared enter my realm?”

It was the enraged voice of the captain of the damned,the voice Michael craved to hear. Pulling back his sword far to the right of his shoulder, Michael plunged it hard into the shroud of darkness. 

The two archangels came face to face. 

“You! Michael! How dare you! What arrogant madness brings you here? Do you not know me?” he shrieked, his fists raised above his head. “I am the angel of light. In every way I am your superior.”

“No,” snarled Michael. “Damned, doomed Lucifer, begetter of all lies, traitor of the angelic host, counterfeiter of truth, and elected to eternal damnation, you are in every way my equal, but you are in no way my superior. Stand aside, damned foe, for I am on a mission from the Holiest of All.”

Lucifer’s eyes danced passed Michael. 

“No!” screamed the fallen archangel. “Not the Door! Not here. Not in my kingdom. You, Michael, with your cursed power, and you, Gabriel, with your damnable heraldings, never, never shall you pass beyond this point.” Gleaming with dark rage, Lucifer groped wildly for his sword. 

With that, Michael knew his strategy was working. 

You spawn of Hell, you kin of sin.

Step aside, incarnate pride.

One day, outside of time and eternity, 

It was the lot that fell to me 

To drive you into that place for which you are fit.

I, Michael, shall cast you into the smoking, blazing, fiery pit!

Now draw your sword, or find full well 

That even now I will send you to eternal Hell!

Just as Michael had hoped, Lucifer went into a blind rage even as he grappled wildly for his sword. 

“Stand aside, you spawn of hell,” cried Michael. 

With that, all sounds knelt to silence. Every eye now turned to watch two archangels about to be welded in merciless combat. 

The radiance of both archangels rose in brilliance, Michael’s light giving off glowing rays of whitened purity, Lucifer’s vesture bursting forth in unparalleled brightness, flashing in tones of blue. 

Both beings pulled back their swords to the limits of their reach, then whirled in full circle, Michael to the right, Lucifer to the left. And as their swords met full on with all the strength bequeathed these two celestial creatures, a sound of a thousand thunders reverberated across the length and breadth of both realms. 

Light and darkness had come to the pinnacle of their purposes, each to destroy the other. 

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