Monday 18 December 2023

Advent 2023 part 12

“Do you not understand?” cried Recorder to a host of blank-faced angels.

That the stately and reserved Recorder was quite beside himself was enough to unnerve any angel, but the significance of his pronouncement to those creatures of revelation was entirely beyond their reach.

“Have you not understood?” Recorder cried again. “Among the children of Adam, a virgin has at this moment conceived!”

Every mouth of every angel dropped open, every eye blinked, and every throat swallowed.

“At this moment there grows One, in a woman’s womb, who carries with him all that is the highest, the purest, and the greatest innocence, all the grandeur of an Adam before the Fall. And at this moment, growing inside that same womb, is the very life of God. There shall come forth from this virgin womb the highest of unfallen mankind, the very Son of Man,  himself. And from this womb shall come forth all the essence of God, the very Son of God. The two at last have met in One, and his name shall be called Jesus, Saviour, for he shall save mankind from the ravages that sin has wreaked upon their race.

“But even this is but for a greater end. As he, this day, has made himself one with them, there shall come an hour when those chosen by him for redemption will, in greater glory, be made one with him.”

Millions of dumbfounded angels continued to gape at the ancient Recorder.

“Do you not understand?” he cried. “Redemption is near! Salvation for the favoured planet is at hand. And beyond our wildest dreams, the Mystery will soon be known. His Purpose, the eternal Purpose, his reason for creation will soon be revealed. We stand at the highest moment in all eternal history.”

The stunned silence was broken by Michael who had spontaneously whirled about to find his closest kinsman.

“Gabriel!” he exclaimed. “Did you know these things would be the final outcome of all we have doing of late?”

“No!” cried Gabriel. “Did you?”

“Never!” Michael answered. “Oh, that we have played a part in such glory!”

Michael drew his sword, raised his arms high, threw back his head, and deafened the heavenly host as he roared (as only Michael can), “Redemption draws near!”

To which Gabriel responded, “The Mystery revealed, the Purpose made known!”

And so it came to pass that for the first of only two times in all the history of angeldom, chaos descended upon the heavenly host, and to the delight of innumerable beings of light, all order broke down, bedlam reigned, and frolicking angels shouted themselves hoarse.

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