Monday 25 December 2023

Life of Christ part 12 Luke 2.8-20

 LUKE 2.8-20

The night was already richly eventful. Jesus had been born. But God chose that His Son’s birth should not go unnoticed. Therefore, He sent an angel to a field near Bethlehem. Shepherds were living out in these open fields, providing protection for their flocks of sheep. But that night these shepherds became the first recipients of the good news of Jesus’ birth. The angel, surrounded by the radiance of God’s glory, appeared to these shepherds. This heavenly messenger assured the shepherds that they need not be afraid. He had come to give them good news. The promised Saviour, the Messiah or Christ, had been born that very night. Furthermore, that infant Saviour was nearby. The angel invited the shepherds to go to the stable and find the baby lying in a manger. Then they would know that the angel’s message was true. At that moment a multitude of angels appeared and proclaimed as only angels can the glory of God. 

Once the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem and see this unusual sight. They believed that what the angel had announced was truly a message from God, and their faith drove them to respond. Of course, they were not disappointed. Just as the angel had declared, the shepherds found Mary and Joseph, along with a baby lying in a manger. These humble shepherds went out and spread the news about Jesus. Meanwhile, Mary continued to be amazed at the circumstances surrounding her life, her son, and her God. Truly, Jesus was and is unique. He is God and man in one. He is our Saviour and our King.

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