Thursday 8 December 2022

Advent 22 post 6

 Matthew 1.18-25

This has been a time of turmoil,

Emotions are running wild.

I’m betrothed to sweet, young Mary

Only to learn that she’s with child!

I don’t want to humiliate her

Or expose us both to public disgrace,

So I'd decided to divorce her quietly,

We’d just go our separate ways.

Then the most amazing thing happened,

An angel came to me in a dream.

He said to go ahead with the marriage 

Things are not what they would seem.

The Father is the Holy Spirit,

She hasn’t been with another man.

Though I know some people will gossip,

I’m willing to submit to God’s mysterious plan.

So we’ll have the child and name him Jesus,

He will save us from our sin.

I’ll have to say it’s scary, but exciting,

To watch God unfold His salvation plan.

While we make much of Gabriel’s visit to Mary and her response, I think sometimes we overlook Joseph and the compromising and embarrassing Mary’s pregnancy caused him. Had Mary been unfaithful? But he, too, believed the angel who came to him in a dream, and he proceeded with his wedding plans. I suspect there were many thought him naïve or who maybe questioned his fidelity. I admire his faith, his humility, and his willingness to put God’s will first.

Lord, sometimes I wish an angel would come to me in person or in a dream, then I could hear You speak. But wait! Remind me that You do speak to me. You dwell within me and You inspired an entire Book to guide me. Open my heart to Your Holy Spirit and to Your Word. May I listen to You and then be as obedient as Mary and Joseph we’re. May my greatest desire be to please You and not to gain the approval of others. Thank You for choosing to use us in working out Your will. You are an amazing God! Amen 

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