Tuesday 13 December 2022

Advent 22 post 9

 Luke 2.8-20

Shepherding a flock is rarely exciting, in fact, the hours can drag on.

At night when time passes slowly, the urge to sleep is strong.

But not tonight! We’re wide awake! An angel appeared in God’s glory.

He stood in radiance among us to tell the Christmas story.

Oh, we were terribly frightened, I think you would be, too,

If in the quiet of a routine night God’s angel appeared to you!

He reassured us quickly and told us not to fear.

He had come with good news to tell us, God’s Son, the Messiah, was here!

Then suddenly the armies of heaven joined him, together their voices they raised.

“Glory to God in the highest,” the heavens were filled with praise.

And so we set out to find him, to kneel in adoration,

We were humbled and thrilled to be there by God’s personal invitation!

Before we returned to our fields, we told others what we had seen.

Everyone was astonished, what could all of this mean?

Could this be the Messiah? A manger stall His birth site?

Is Immanuel sleeping in a manger as God works a miracle tonight?

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby...” Consider what these poorly regarded shepherds experienced, while watching their sheep on what they thought was an ordinary, maybe even boring, night, they were visited in person by an angel, they were given news that had been announced to no one else, a host of angels joined them, praising God and giving Him glory, they were invited – in fact, instructed – to visit the newborn Christ, when they arrived they were the only guests invited – just Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and animals, they were the first missionaries, telling others what they had seen. Quite an experience for a group of men on the bottom rung of society! Their dull night had been changed into a night of affirmation and rejoicing!

Lord, You left the majesty of heaven to be born in a manger in a small town, worshipped by ordinary shepherds – what a glorious message! I am ordinary, too. Don’t let me miss Your messages to me. And when You invite me to approach You, may I eagerly draw near in humble adoration. May I respond with worship and obedience. Amen

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