Monday 19 December 2022

Advent 22 post 13

 Luke 2.36-38

I spend my time in the temple to worship God with fasting and prayer.

There’s no other place I’d rather be – day and night, I’m always there.

So when I heard Simeon talking and saw him with the baby boy,

I knew at once He was Messiah, imagine my gratitude and joy!

I couldn’t wait to share the story – there were others awaiting this King.

They were all beyond excitement when they heard the news I had to bring.

I wonder how His parents felt with all the attention and prophecy.

Overwhelmed, I suspect, but filled with awe and expectancy.

Anna is another person that I rarely think of as ‘part of the story.’ There are only three verses in the Bible about her. But what a testimony to her and her love for God that Luke would choose to include her. She had been widowed for many years and spent her life worshipping God. God honoured her by revealing His Son to her and letting her share the news with others. Even when we are old like Anna and Simeon, God remembers us and has a purpose for us.

Forgive me, Lord, when I take for granted the miracle of Christmas, when all the celebration becomes more important than seeking Jesus. Let me learn from Anna and Simeon that the joy of Christmas is in seeing Jesus. May He be the joy of my heart! Amen

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