Thursday 15 December 2022

Advent 22 10

 Luke 2.19


This has been quite a journey,

Remarkable from the start.

I’m trying to take it all in,

To store it forever in my heart.


An angel's visit, a promised Son,

A husband who honoured the vow he’d made,

An arduous trip, a stable birth,

Shepherds, and an angel serenade.

Angels and shepherds joined in worship,

Heaven and earth in one accord,

I’ll hold these memories in my heart,

As I hold my baby and my Lord!



What a day and night it had been! Mary had to be exhausted, she was probably hurting, too. But she didn’t want to miss a thing, she pondered all that had happened. Her heart was full, and I’m sure she wanted to remember every detail as she meditated on all God had done and the way He had done it.



Lord, I want to be one who ponders, too. Impress on my memory the events of the night of Your birth and may I treasure them in my heart. May I embrace all of You with all that I am. Please take Your seat on the throne of my heart. Amen

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