Sunday 11 December 2022

Advent 22 post 7

 Luke 2.1-7

Lord, did I hear You right?

The trip to register was a difficult one.

I want to submit to Your plan, of course, 

But Bethlehem? For the birth of Your Son?

We’re here seeking shelter – anywhere!

“No room” is the familiar refrain.

But this is Your Son we’re talking about 

Jesus, the Messiah, born to reign!

He’ll be born in a humble stable,

Not in a warm, cosy room.

Mary is resting among the animals

Ready to give birth very soon.

I know You’ve planned this all along,

This hasn’t caught You by surprise.

You’re right here with us by design,

You’re God all-knowing, God all-wise.

So here again the lowly and plain

A simple birth in a cattle stall

Is paired with the miraculous and holy

Jesus, Son of God and Lord of All!

I can only speak for myself, but I think I’d be really whiny if while being a nine-month-pregnant woman, I had to go on a long trip – in a car, much less on foot or donkey! And then ask me to sleep in an animal stall? And deliver a baby there? I would suspect that Mary and Joseph both wondered about the circumstances, but apparently they humbly accepted the realities of these crude birth conditions. They remained faithful in their commitments to be obedient to God’s guidance and to trust that He had a plan.

Help me, Lord, not to second-guess You. Too often, I think I know how things are supposed to be and during ‘Bethlehem/no room in the inn' moments, I run ahead of You to work out the details in my own way. Help me to trust Your plan and to remember that when things seem to go wrong. You’re not caught by surprise. Sometimes when everything seems to be going awry, I’m right in the centre of Your will and need to rest there. Remind me to be still and rest as I wait on you. Amen

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