Monday 12 December 2022

Advent 22 post 8

 Luke 2.6-7

Come to the stable.   

What do you see? 

God in a feed trough for you and for me.  

He’s just a baby,   

Tender and small, 

But He will be the King over all.

Jesus – fully God and fully man

From the first, redemption's plan

Display of God’s love, atonement for sins

Born in a manger, Salvation begins!

God kissed Earth with the physical presence of Himself! Jesus! Messiah! Perfect Lamb! Soon and Coming King! Lord above all lords! But tonight He's a tiny, helpless Baby in the care of Mary and Joseph, and he's just gone to sleep so Shhhh.

Lord, You knew from man’s first sin that You would send a Saviour. I’m not sure that I fully comprehend how monumental that is – that the Creator of the universe would come and live among His children as one of them. Yet You love us so deeply that that is exactly what You did! The Baby in the manger didn’t look like the mighty Saviour of the world, but that’s who He was – and is. Thank You, my Lord and my Redeemer. Amen

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