Thursday 1 December 2022

Advent 2022 post 2

 Luke 1.26-38


“Greetings, Favoured One,” I heard Gabriel say,

He was right before me – so very near.

“Be not afraid, I have good news.”

I have to admit – I did feel fear.


He called me highly favoured,

Said the Lord was with me,

But I was really puzzled

What kind of greeting could this be?


He bore a message from God.

I would give birth to a son.

I didn’t understand how this could be

I was a virgin and had been with no one.


The Holy Spirit would come upon me

With the power of the Lord Most High.

I would carry the Son of God!

How could this be? Such a simple girl as I!


His coming had been prophesie

Jesus, Messiah, heir of David’s throne.

Imagine that – God chose me

To carry and bear His precious Son!


I’m honoured and humbled, but nervous, too.

Things could be dangerous – I’m unwed.

But I will do as the Lord desires,

“May it be to me as you have said.”(.38)


When I was thirteen or fourteen, I was preoccupied with friends, school, and daily activities. Granted, Mary’s culture was very different, but it’s amazing to think how young she was when she was approached by an angel who bore life-altering news. This unwed girl would bear God’s Son. She did ask how but raised no objections. She could have protested that she was betrothed to Joseph and this could nullify the engagement. She could have speculated that no one would believe her and that news like that could cost her life. Instead she uttered a simple but profound response. “May it be to me as you have said.”


Lord, You have never sent an angel to tell me anything. But you do speak to me. Make me sensitive to Your quiet voice. And when you nudge me to do something, help me to respond with Mary’s simplicity of, “May it be to me as You have said.” Amen

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