Thursday 22 December 2022

Advent 22 post 16 Because

 Because of Your birth

I can celebrate my rebirth. I’ve been born again to abundant life.


Because You chose Mary

I know You use people who have hearts to serve You. My qualifications aren’t Your focus.


Because of Mary’s song of praise

I am encouraged to praise You even when I don’t have all the answers. If You ask me to do something. I can be grateful that You have chosen to use me and I can trust that You will see it through.


Because You chose a humble manger

I better understand that trappings don’t matter. You came to serve, not to be served.


Because You chose shepherds as your first visitors

I know that You include everyone. You’re not looking for credentials. You welcome ordinary folks, like me.


Because of the angel army

I know the hosts of Heaven worship You and we are invited to join them.


Because You fulfilled prophecy

I am assured that You are indeed Messiah. You came to set us free, inside and out, now and forever!


Because of the visit from the Wise Men

I know You are Messiah for all, the King of the Jews and the reigning King of All for All Ages.


Because of their gifts

I get a glimpse of who You are even when You were a young child, King of Kings, Great High Priest, and Perfect Lamb.


Because You are Jesus (The Lord Saves)

I am rescued and safe in Your arms, forever.


Because You are Immanuel (God With Us)

I am never alone. You have promised to be with me always.


Because You are God Incarnate (Love in the flesh)

I am content knowing that I am a child of God, enfolded in Your love. I don’t have to work for Your approval.


Because You are Joy

I am freed to live in joy regardless of circumstances. I belong to You and Your promises are true.


Because You are the Prince of Peace

I am at rest. There is turmoil in this world, but I dwell in You.


Because You are the Hope of the World.

I am confident of my present and my future because You control both.

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