Tuesday 20 December 2022

Advent 22 post 14

 Matthew 2 1-11

We are Magi from the East

And we have travelled far

To see the newborn Jewish King

Led by the Bethlehem star

We didn’t come unprepared 

We carefully chose the gifts we'd bring

Gold was an obvious choice

A gift to honour the newborn King

Our other gifts?

Frankincense and myrrh

An incense and a spice

One to mark a holy priest

One to make ready a sacrifice

Finally seeing the mother and Son

Try to imagine the wonder we felt

There was only one natural response 

We approached in reverence and humbly knelt

Over the years our titles have varied 

We’ve been called Kings and Wise Men, too

But honestly we were mere seekers

Seeking the Truth, just like you.

If there is anything that distinguishes us,

That somehow makes us wise

It’s really found in simple things

Wanting to see Him with our own eyes 

And when we saw Him, we worshipped 

We knelt before Him in awe

We gave Him gifts to honour Him

And praised God for all we saw

Perhaps herein lies wisdom 

It’s shown in reverent humility 

Recognizing that God is sovereign 

Over all that is and is to be

So when He invites you, come promptly

Love Him with soul, mind, and heart

Bow down and humbly adore Him

And give Him your best, all that you are

There is a lot that we do not know about the Wise Men. We don’t know exactly where they came from, how many there were,  when they actually arrived. But we know what we need to know. They came looking for Jesus even though it involved a long journey. They brought precious gifts. When they saw Him, they knelt before Him and worshipped. We, too, would be wise to seek God, to draw near to Him whether or not it is convenient or easy. We owe Him our best. And our response to Him should be one of awe and worship. Because of Jesus we have access to the Father, how foolish we would be to ignore that. How wise to follow Him.

Lord, help me, like the Wise Men, to come to You, regardless of convenience or ease. And let me offer worship that pleases You. Help me to remember that wisdom lies in seeking You. Amen

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