Sunday 4 December 2022

Advent 22 post 3

 Luke 1.36, 39-45

God is in the business of miracles – ask me, I should know!

Gabriel promised I would bear a child, I’ve been barren for years, but it is so.

And now, here is Mary, pregnant with God’s Baby Boy.

When she came into my presence, my unborn child leapt for joy!

“Favoured are you, Mary, God is honoured that you believe,

Blessed are you among women, what is promised, you will receive.

You will give birth to God’s own child, a plan ordained from the dawn of time,

You His mother, God His Father, the frailty of Earth at one with the sublime.”

Elizabeth had been barren for years, a disgrace in Bible times. I’m not sure that I can even imagine her joy when she became pregnant – a miracle for sure. When Mary came to visit Elizabeth, she didn’t even have to tell Elizabeth her news, she simply greeted her and Elizabeth and her baby boy knew her secret. Elizabeth’s baby boy John, Jesus' forerunner, leapt for joy in her womb and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. She knew that she was in the presence of the mother of her Lord and she blessed Mary. What a sacred moment – two women carrying God’s miracle babies, each blessing and encouraging the other.

Lord, like Elizabeth, may I be sensitive to Your presence and in awe of your divinity. Prompt me to be an encourager as Elizabeth was for Mary, may my words and actions uplift others and point them to You. Amen

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