Wednesday 7 December 2022

Advent 22 post5

Luke 1.46-55


My soul magnifies the Lord,

I praise His holy name.

He has chosen me to bear His Son,

My life will never be the same!


He has regarded my humble state,

He honours the lowly and meek.

He’s unimpressed with status and pride,

He exalts the poor, the needy, the weak.


Receive my praise; I rejoice in You,

For You have done great things.

Generations will call me blessed,

The mother of Messiah King!



When young children receive gifts and favours, we remind them, “What do you say?” We want to teach them common courtesy and gratitude. Sometimes when God blesses me in a special way, I need someone to remind me, “What do you say?” It’s easy to forget the Source of our blessings, worse yet, we can even start to question whether God really caused something or if we misinterpreted or misunderstood. Maybe it’s a coincidence. Not Mary! She was quick to thank God and to praise Him for His goodness. No “What if’s?” No “Why me’s?” Instead, “My soul glorifies the Lord.”



Lord, I praise and glorify Your holy name. I’m grateful that You have a plan for my life and that it’s a good plan! You are trustworthy, so I can be confident that You are working for my good. Thank You for all You do on my behalf, both the things I know about and the blessings that I don’t even recognize. Yes, Lord, I praise You. Amen.

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