Saturday 17 December 2022

The journey

 Oh, Joseph, must you go to Bethlehem?

And if you go, then why must it be now?

The baby’s due to come so very soon!

You know, my love, that I’d do anything 

To keep you and God’s holy baby safe.

But I must go. It’s Caesar’s own command, 

And us? We don’t ask why. We just obey.

But come along with me. I’ll keep you safe.

Yes, come with me. The Lord will give us strength. 

And so, they packed a little bag and left.

They walked along the dusty road for miles.

At first, adventure filled their minds, and hope.

But by the middle of the second day,

The newness now long gone, just hope remained, 

Sustained by faith in their all-faithful Lord.

They walked on still. The miles now seemed to stretch.

The third and final day wore down to dusk.

At last, they entered little Bethlehem, 

And Mary knew her time had almost come.

Now Joseph hurried, rushing to the inn,

But found no room for Mary’s birthing hour. 

Discouraged, he then found a quiet place

Where animals, not men, had often slept. 

He thought he’d failed, but Mary looked at him

With love and said, “Oh, Joseph, it’s enough.”

And so they found themselves, that strangest night, 

In Bethlehem beside a feeding trough.

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