Sunday 18 December 2022

Advent 22 post 12

 Luke 2.22-35

I knew I must go to the temple today.

Why? I really didn’t know.

I couldn’t explain the strong urge I felt,

God’s Spirit just told me to go.


I hadn’t been there very long

When I saw a young couple with their son.

My heart was overcome with joy

I knew this was God’s Holy One.


He was only a tiny baby

Maybe that’s a bit of a surprise.

But I knew instantaneously

The Messiah lay before my eyes.


I took Him in my arms and praised Him,

The Shining Light for all mankind.

Sadly some will hate and reject Him,

Others in Him their joy will find.


God had promised me long ago

That I would see His Chosen One.

Now I have held Him in my arms,

I praise God for all He has done!


Now I can die in peace,

The Messiah has arrived!

I may be approaching the end of my life,

But I’ve never felt more alive!



When I remember the “Christmas story,” I rarely think of Simeon. But consider him for a moment, a man so devout that his heart’s greatest desire was to see God’s Messiah. And God honoured his devotion with a promise that he would indeed see Him before his own death. The Spirit led Simeon to the Temple while Mary and Joseph were there to present Jesus to the Lord. Simeon immediately knew who Jesus was when he held Him. I wonder if he was surprised that the Messiah was a tiny baby or if he had expected that. Regardless, he was satisfied! He was grateful to see Jesus and said he could die in peace now. Oh that my heart would find its desire satisfied in Jesus alone!



Lord, Simeon’s deepest desire was to see You. May that be the desire of my heart, too. Forgive me, Lord, for taking the blessing of Your constant presence with me for granted. Open my eyes to really see You and my heart to acknowledge and enjoy Your nearness. And, like Simeon, may I be filled with gratitude and with Your peace. Amen.

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