Friday 31 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 19

 John 20.1-18

Jesus and Death were fighting 

Jesus was on a rough, crude cross 

To all who were there watching

It appeared that Jesus had lost 

His body was lifeless and mangled 

And Passover Sabbath was coming soon 

So they took Him down and wrapped Him up 

And sadly sealed Him in a tomb 


We disciples were cautiously hiding

We thought it best to lay low 

We were Jesus’s closest friends 

Were we safe? We just didn’t know 

Mary, a follower of Jesus 

Went to anoint Him on the third day 

And when she arrived 

She was astounded to see the stone rolled away!

She found that the tomb was empty 

She ran quickly to us with the word

His precious body had been removed 

Where had they taken her Lord?

So Peter and I ran to check it out 

How could this possibly be?

I got there first and waited outside 

When Peter arrived, he went in to see

We saw the grave linens lying there 

With the cloth that had covered His head

With joy and hope I finally believed

Jesus had risen from the dead!

I finally understood Scripture 

This was all a part of God’s plan 

Jesus had suffered and bled and died 

But now He was alive again 


I came to anoint my Master and Lord 

Quite early in the day 

You can imagine my utter surprise 

When I saw the stone rolled away!

I ran to tell the disciples the tomb

Where He’d been laid was bare!

Someone had taken my Lord away

They’d hidden His body and I didn’t know where 

Peter and John came quickly 

They went in and looked around 

But when they came out they said little 

They just hurried back into town 

Sadly I stooped and looked in the tomb 

Two angels sat where He’d been lying 

One at the head and one at the feet 

They asked why I was crying 

Then I noticed someone else 

He was standing close behind 

He also asked why I cried 

In a voice concerned and kind

I hadn’t seen Him arrive 

The gardener I assumed 

I explained I’d come to see Jesus 

But His body wasn’t in the tomb

I wanted to anoint Him

But where He was I did not know 

I would go and get His body 

If I just knew where to go 

It wasn’t until He called my name 

Mary, just that one word

That I knew just Who He was 

He was my Master and my Lord 

Then He sent me to tell His brothers 

I ran fast, eager to arrive 

I could hardly wait to tell them


Yes, Jesus and Death fought it out on the cross 

And Death was proud he had won

But this was just a skirmish in the war for salvation 

And the victory belonged to God’s dear Son!

Death was defeated with the resurrection 

No longer a daunting enemy 

For those who have chosen to trust in Christ 

Will live with Him through eternity!

Jesus, I’m overcome with gratitude

On Your pierced body I lovingly gaze

I will arise and proclaim Your victory 

I will rejoice and shout out my praise!

Jesus didn’t do anything quite like the Jews expected. They expected a Messiah who would be a triumphant deliverer. Jesus entered the world humbly as a baby born to working-class parents. Their Messiah would break their yoke to the Romans. Jesus avoided the political arena. They probably assumed He would embrace their elevated stature and importance in the religious community. Jesus upbraided them for their hypocrisy and embraced sinners instead. And when they had Him executed, Jesus wouldn’t stay dead.

Because of His resurrection, we’re delivered, not politically but personally and eternally. No more fear of death, we share in His resurrection! What about the dry places in our lives now where we feel defeated, maybe even dead? Jesus wants to restore, renew, and revive! The future? Death has lost its sting because it can not claim us. We were created to live with the Lord forever! Thank God! We are Easter people! Let’s embrace that truth and live like it!

Lord Jesus, no words can express my wonder, my love, my joy. You gave Your life to pay for my sin so that I don’t have to pay with mine. And then You rose in victory, victory over evil, over death, over despair. I praise You. I want to surrender my life to You. I can never repay what You’ve done for me, but I can respond to You and Your sacrifice with faith, joy, and obedience. You’re ALIVE! Live big in me!

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Thursday 30 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 18

 John 19.38-42

Jesus of Nazareth walked among us 

He came to seek and to save 

He talked about a life everlasting 

Jesus, Messiah, now lies in the grave 

I once heard the account of a man who was hearing the story of Jesus for the first time. His heart was open and he was falling in love with Jesus. When the story-teller got to the part about Jesus’s death and burial, the man broke down and wept. You see, he didn’t know the end of the story. I was struck by this man’s grief for Jesus’s death, does my heart grieve as it should? I’ve known about the resurrection as long as I’ve known about the crucifixion. Have I become numb to the great sacrifice Jesus made? Do I skip His death and go straight to His victory? I’m not saying that we should morbidly dwell on the suffering heaped on Jesus on the cross. But we do need to remember His love for us and that He paid a high cost for our freedom and redemption, this demands our love and loyalty in return.

Lord, by all appearances You were dead and gone. Mary had lost her firstborn Son. The dreams of Your followers seemed to have come to an end. But Sunday was coming and what they didn’t know was that their dreams were just beginning. Lord, when things in my life look bleak, when circumstances are overwhelming, remind me that Sunday has come and that the Hope that arose on that Sunday morning is eternal! Thank You, Lord, that because of You, I am free to live in the light of Your hope!

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 17

 Matthew 27.45-51, Luke 23.32-49, John 19.28-30

So now our loving Saviour bears His cross to Calvary 

He will be the perfect Lamb, giving His life for you and me 

His hands are nailed to the cross, the cross is hoisted high 

The terrible deed has been done, and now they wait for Him to die

Jesus spoke, Father, forgive, they know not what they do

A prayer not just for His tormenters but for all other generations, too

Mockers jeered, He saved others, why doesn’t He come down off that cross?

They didn’t understand that if He did, all hope for mankind would be lost 

He could have come anytime He chose, but He endured a villain’s death

His muscles and sinews writhing in pain, His lungs deprived of breath 

He was forsaken by His Father, perhaps His deepest pain

Never had They been apart, His great loss was our great gain

Six long hours of tortuous pain, then finally He was free to die

At last the agony was ending, It is finished, was His cry

Not a cry of despair or grief, but of triumph and accomplishment, too

He won the victory over death, He'd done the work He'd come to do 

The earth shook and rocks split apart, the Temple curtain was torn in two 

The Roman soldiers shook in terror, He was the Son of God, it’s true 

I remember going to church one Easter Sunday morning years ago and anticipating an uplifting sermon celebrating the resurrection and victory of our Lord Jesus. Instead, the speaker preached on the crucifixion and described somewhat graphically the horrors of it. I was disappointed. I didn’t want to celebrate Easter by contemplating the suffering and death of Jesus! I wouldn’t want to do it again, but in some ways that sermon had more impact on me than any other Easter sermon that I ever heard. For one thing, I understood more fully the suffering and torture that Jesus endured for me. Perhaps more significant for me was that I realised that subconsciously I had always assumed that because Jesus was one with God, He didn’t suffer as a mere human would have, that somehow His God-side eased His pain. I had never realised I had that assumption before that sermon. Later I was sharing this realisation with a sister and she pointed out that Jesus, in fact, probably suffered more than an ordinary man because He was separated from the Father for the first and only time. When we walk through trials, we can turn to God for help and comfort, Jesus suffered alone! I thank my Saviour for loving me enough to pay such a dear price.

Lord Jesus, to say thank you seems like an inadequate response for what You suffered on the cross for me and all mankind. My mind can’t really take it all in, and I’m at a loss for words to express my gratitude. Because of what You did on that ugly, hateful cross, I am free and reconciled to You, my Hope, my Joy, my Saviour. Help me never to live like the cross didn’t happen or doesn’t matter. It means everything! It changes everything!

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Friday 24 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 15

 Matthew 27.11-26, Luke 23.6-11, John 18.36-37


Early on a Friday morning 

The Jews brought their prisoner to me

I could tell from the very first 

That the motive was rooted in their envy 

There was nothing dangerous about this man 

No reason for Him to die 

But the priests were quite insistent

They were determined that I comply

Amidst all their angry ranting 

He never said anything 

They accused Him of being Rome 

Of calling Himself a King 

Are You a King? I asked 

He made Himself quite clear 

Yes, it is as you say 

But My kingdom is not here 

It was obvious He was innocent

But the Jewish leaders did not agree 

I was looking for a way out of this 

When I heard He was from Galilee!

Aha! I could send Him to Herod

And let him determine the plan 

I really didn’t want to be responsible 

For the death of this innocent man 

But Herod lost interest quickly 

When Jesus did no tricks 

He sent Him right straight back to me 

Religion and politics do not mix

So here was the situation 

I had to decide what to do 

Did I authorise the death of an innocent man 

Or did I rile up the troublesome Jews?

Meanwhile outside

The mob sounded unruly and loud

Perhaps that was the answer 

Leave it up to the crowd 

I told them He was innocent 

He didn’t deserve to die

But I washed my hands of the matter

To cries of Crucify!

I have more sympathy for and empathy with Pilate than with any of Jesus’s other antagonists. I, too, tend to be a people pleaser. And I, too, often take the path of least resistance. But Pilate’s choice to wash his hands of the whole affair was disastrous. He was the one man who could have spared Jesus. Instead, he caved into the demands of Jesus’s accusers, he wanted to avoid an uprising that would jeopardise his position. He gave the people what they wanted. He took the safe way out. And Jesus died. I think it’s interesting that in the Apostles Creed it affirms that Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate, and does not mention Judas or Caiaphas or the Sanhedrin, but Pilate! We can say we wash our hands of matters that demand difficult decisions and do what comes easbest, but if it’s the wrong thing we do or if we do nothing, our hands are stained and we’re still guilty. There is no such thing as absolving ourselves of responsibility if our actions are wrong.

Lord, forgive me when I, like Pilate, care more about the opinions of others than I care about You and what’s right. Forgive me when I, again like Pilate, try to avoid responsibility for my decisions and my actions. I can’t just wash my hands of issues I’d like to avoid. Help me, Jesus, to follow You courageously.

In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Lent 2023 post 16

 John 19.1-3

The Roman flogging is barbaric

They use whips with leaded tips

Up to thirty-nine lashes on His body 

His blood flows freely while His skin rips

Then there’s the degrading taunting 

In mock esteem soldiers bow down 

They laugh as they hail the king

In purple robe and sharp thorned crown 

Why would Jesus bear this abuse 

Endure such pain from an evil foe

It was to purchase my salvation 

How could He love me so?

“But this is your hour when darkness reigns.” Luke 22.53

Darkness in contrast with the Light of the World. The worst in man in contrast with the best, God Himself. The apparent triumph of evil in contrast with pure holiness and victory delayed. The irony is interesting, the Roman soldiers now before Jesus and hail Him as King of the Jews in mockery, never realising that they are actually speaking the truth, that Jesus is King of the Jews and King of all. There are those who think Pilate sentenced Jesus to be flogged, hoping to save Him from crucifixion and thinking that if His enemies saw Him beaten and humiliated this would satisfy them. But obviously his sentence made things worse, for Jesus was both flogged and crucified. You can’t compromise with evil. If you try, you still end up with evil. What a dark day, a day that is about to get darker.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for wanting, even feeling entitled to, a pleasant life of ease. You never had that. I don’t like being uncomfortable, stir me with a burning desire and willingness to follow You wherever the path leads.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

Thursday 23 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 14

 Matthew 27.3-5, Luke 22.54-62




For thirty pieces of silver

I betrayed the Master

An innocent man is going to die

This is a disaster!




I heard the rooster crowing!

Oh no, what have I done?

Jesus had said I’d deny Him three times

Before the morning sun!

I was sure of my loyalty to Him

I didn’t believe it was true

But around the fire three different times

I denied He was someone I knew

I remembered when I heard the rooster

At that moment Jesus walked by

When He turned and looked at me

All I could do was cry

I ran away immediately

Alone I shed bitter tears

I had forsaken my Lord and Master

I’d never known such sorrowful fear

I’ve wept so hard there are no tears left

I am a broken man

Can Jesus ever forgive me?

Will He love and trust me again?



Two traitors, one couldn’t live with his guilt and committed suicide, the other wept bitterly over his guilt and ran from the scene. I think it’s safe to assume he prayed in repentance. The first lay dead, forever to be remembered as Judas who betrayed Jesus. The other went on to be the leader of the early church! We all let Jesus down at times, the key is to repent and let Him restore us. He wants our obedience, but when we fail He wants to forgive us and to lead us into a deeper walk with Him.



Lord, sometimes when I read about Peter’s betrayal, I think I’d never do that. But, unfortunately, I know that’s not true. Forgive me for the times I act like I don’t know You, times when strangers might interact with me and have no idea that I’m a Christian. Help me never to be ashamed of You. But when I fall You, and I will, may I be quick to repent and confess my sin to You. Thank You that You’re a forgiving, merciful, second-chance God.

In Jesus’s name, Amen


Wednesday 22 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 13

 John 18.12-14, Matthew 26.57-68


First to Annas, then to me 

Then on to the Sanhedrin at dawn 

We were just going through the motions 

The verdict already agreed upon 

Our gathering was against our Jewish laws 

We weren’t supposed to meet at night 

But we wanted Him dead before the Sabbath 

No time to wait for daylight 

It was hard to produce any evidence 

We had witnesses willing to lie 

But their stories kept conflicting 

And the time was passing by 

Even with all the stories and lies 

No confirmed charges were heard 

And Jesus just stood there quietly

Never uttering a word

Finally I could stand it no longer 

Are you the Son of God?

At last He spoke, it is as you say 

I yelled and declared Him a fraud 

Blasphemy! Blasphemy!

I tore my clothes in mock grief 

Actually what I really felt

Was a secret sense of relief 

We finally had a charge to present 

His claim to be a king

Pilate would have to listen to us 

Sedition is a serious thing

Jesus claimed to be Messiah 

So we put Him in His place 

Before we left to go to Pilate 

We hit Him with fists and spit in His face

Then we bound Him to Pilate 

This was a case he’d have to try 

We had to have the approval of Rome 

To sentence Jesus to die

And death was what we wanted 

Nothing less would do 

We wanted to rid the nation 

Of this exasperating Jew

Things that are unfair really annoy me. Everything about Jesus’s trial before Caiaphas was rigged and unfair. The Sanhedrin broke their own laws and held the trial by night. They sought false witnesses and when those witnesses’ stories didn’t agree, they trumped up new charges. This was a mock trial, the end was determined before the start. How could they have been so conniving and blind?

Then once again, their actions prompt me to examine myself. Am I ever so determined to hold onto my view and do things the way we’ve always done them that I refuse to consider another side? Do I ever blindly assume that the ends justify the means? Do I hold on tightly to preconceived notions and fail to listen to Jesus’s voice? I pray that the Pharisee in me won’t betray the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Lord, life is unfair. I get upset and offended when I’m treated unfairly. Everything about Your trial was rigged, but You never complained or got defensive. You were silent. Forgive me for thinking I’m entitled to fairness all the time. Forgive me for my Why me? moments, for my It’s not fair! moments. During those times when I am mistreated or falsely accused, show me how I should react, when I should speak up and when I should be quiet. And, Lord, may my life never bear false witness about You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 12

Matthew 26.45-56, Luke 22.51, John 18.1-11

Jesus awakened His disciples 

Get up. The hour is at hand 

And though a mob was approaching 

Jesus seemed strangely in command 

The matter had been settled in the garden 

He was committed to His Father’s will

He'd submit to unspeakable horrors 

Scripture’s prophecy would be fulfilled 

But what about His captors?

They’d remember this night well

So many different perspectives 

So many stories to tell 


I’ve been His disciple three years 

It’s finally come to this

I’ve given up on Jesus 

So I betrayed Him with a kiss

(Roman Soldier)

We approached this man called Jesus 

He asked Whom do you seek

I expected Him to cower in dread and fear

But He was calm and bold, not weak

He stood before us with dignity 

As we all crowded around 

And when He answered I am He

We all fell to the ground 

What kind of power is this

With His words we all fell down?

He had an air of authority 

Even when tied and bound

The whole scene was surreal 

One I can’t seem to forget 

He was just a Jewish nobody 

That’s what we believed, and yet


Even now He plagues us with questions 

I taught in the Temple in broad daylight 

So why come out to the Mount of Olives?

Why the swords in the dark of night 

But He already knows the answer 

It’s no mystery to Him

The crowd is enthralled with His teaching 

We can’t risk a revolt from them 

Finally, we’ll soon be rid of Him

And things will be like before 

They’ll forget about this man called Jesus 

And respect our hierarchy even more 


Jesus told me I’d deny Him

Not just one time or two but three!

Facing imminent danger 

I’d prove that He could count on me

As the crowd was approaching 

And a priest’s servant came near 

I drew my sword for Jesus!

I cut off the young man’s ear

But Jesus didn’t react as I’d expected 

He told me to put away my sword 

He would do as the Father commanded 

We base our lives on the will of the Lord 

He said He could call the angels 

And thousands would come instantly 

But then how would Scripture be fulfilled?

Who would carry out His destiny?


This appeared to be a peaceful group 

I saw no reason to fear 

But suddenly a sword was drawn 

Down it came, sliced off my ear!

At first I was in shock 

But then I felt the pain 

Then Jesus touched where my ear had been 

And I was whole again 

What made Jesus do this

For His enemy, His foe?

Why Jesus would care for me right now 

Is something I’ll never know 

I wonder. . .

And so the disciples ran away

Leaving Him alone to face His pain

This is a crucial time in history 

The time when the power of darkness reigned

Can you imagine the drama of this encounter? There is something so powerful in Jesus’s simple words, I am He, that the soldiers fall to the ground. Shortly after, they witness Jesus heal the severed ear of a man accompanying them. Yet they simply proceed with their mission to arrest this powerful healer. They seem unfazed by His demeanour. That’s hard to fathom, but I suspect that there are times when Jesus reveals Himself to me and I just go on with business as usual, determined to carry out my plans for the day. I pray that God will open my eyes to His majesty and that I will not ignore it but behold that majesty and be transformed by it.

Lord, don’t let me forget how You were treated and what You suffered, unfair on every level. The disciples ran away in fear, help me not to desert You when I face hard times. The arresting mob fell down at the power of Your voice and witnessed a healing miracle, but they simply proceeded with their cruel plot. May I never look at what You did for me, and do for me, with indifference. Confront me with Your love and Your power and open my eyes so that I respond with awe and adoration.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Monday 20 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 11

 Luke 22.39-46

Imagine the grief in the garden

I’m not sure we fully can

Jesus, our sinless Saviour 

Is facing the worst from man

He knows He is facing conviction 

He knows He’ll hang on a cross 

He knows He’ll be ridiculed and hated

And everyone will think He has lost 

The humiliation alone is unthinkable 

He’ll be taunted, insulted, spat upon 

Not just by the crowd of spectators 

But by the priests after all they’ve done 

Yet the humiliation pales in the face of the pain 

Whips and thorns, the pounding of nails 

The weight of His body crushing His lungs 

Accompanied by jeers and yells 

So now He’s alone in the garden 

His disciples have all gone to sleep 

It’s just He and His Father alone now

In an union both mysterious and deep 

Father, may this cup pass from me

But Thy will, not Mine, be done

As daunting as the path before Him 

The Son’s and Father’s wills are to be one 

All this time the disciples still slept 

Exhausted from fatigue and grief 

So though they intended to help Him 

They brought Jesus no human relief 

Oh, may this cup pass from me 

Jesus breathed His pleas again 

God sent an angel to comfort Him 

But affirmed that this was His plan 

So after His prayers in anguish 

Jesus resolutely stood up 

He woke His sleeping disciples 

And prepared to drink His cup 

Alone. No, alone with the Father.  Jesus had taken His three closest friends into the garden with Him, but He went on beyond them to pray. A gentle reminder to us, we need friends when things are hard, but our ultimate strength and comfort come from God. Jesus’s prayer also shows us that we can plead with the Father, that we can be honest about our fears and concerns. We don’t have to pretend with God, He knows our thoughts anyway and prefers authenticity over pretence. Another insight to be garnered, Jesus’s prayer wasn’t answered in an affirmative way. On those times when we plead with God but His answer is no, we shouldn’t be disillusioned with God or feel that there is something wrong in our lives or in our request. Sometimes God has a better, though perhaps harder, plan. In the end, may we spend our time with God seeking to align our wills with His. Then may we, like Jesus, arise, resolute to walk on the path God has chosen.

Lord Jesus, I can’t imagine the depth of Your anguish as You faced what was about to happen to You. In Your agony, You went straight to the Father. Remind me to do that when I am sad, confused, scared, or grieved. And may I, like You, seek the Father’s will and be willing to submit to it. May I find my peace in You. Amen.

Friday 17 March 2023

Lent 2023 Post 10

Matthew 26.31-35




Jesus said we’ll all desert Him

I can’t believe that this is true

I don’t know who else I’d follow

I don’t know what else I’d do

I promised that I’d stay with Him

That where He went I’d go

He said I’d deny Him

Three times before the next rooster's crow

How could He say that?

Absurd! I think He’s wrong

I must set my mind to follow

I must determine to be strong

All the others agree with me

Every single one

We love Jesus and we’ll follow

We won’t desert Him and leave Him alone



Thank God for Peter. He lost his temper, sometimes he blurted out nonsense without thinking, he corrected Jesus, he was bold enough to walk on water, but then looked away from Jesus and fell in, he denied, with an oath, even knowing Jesus. Yet with all his rough edges, Jesus chose him as part of His inner circle. He said the keys of the kingdom belonged to Peter. Peter was the leader of the first church. Yes, I thank God that, through Peter, I am reassured that I don’t have to be perfect to be loved and used by God. Peter shows me that God understands our frailty but knows our hearts and floods us with unconditional love. Oh Lord, smooth out my rough edges.



Forgive me for my weakness, Lord, and forgive me for underestimating that weakness. How many times have I thought I’d be obedient and failed? How many times have I enjoyed a sin, knowing while I was doing it that it was wrong? And how many times have I relied on my own strength to resist temptation rather than on Yours? I know I can’t live like I want to on my own, Lord. Remind me to rely on You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Thursday 16 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 9

 Matthew 26.26-29, 1 Corinthians 11.23-26


There was a sombre mood that night 

We couldn’t fully comprehend 

Somehow things were changing 

The beginning of an end

Jesus, the bread of life 

Would be broken on the cross 

Forgiveness of sin is free to us

But it came at extravagant cost 

He would give His life for us

His blood He’d freely shed

He'd suffer on the cruel cross

And hang till He was dead

He knew the time was drawing near

So He altered the ritual that night 

He blessed the bread and cup of wine 

And began a new covenant rite

In retrospect, we'd understand 

It would be embedded in our memory

When you eat this bread and drink this wine 

Do so in memory of me

Here is another familiar story, but what a precious story it is. Jesus has prepared the meal, He invites me to partake. He simply asks that I remember, remember that He gave His life and shed His blood for me. Though we celebrate communion each month in my church, each meal should be a fresh and reflective experience for me, never merely a routine ceremony.

Lord, let me never forget, or overlook or take for granted, Your great sacrifice for me. Forgive me when the way I live seems to deny You and Your great gift. Don’t let me forget!

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 8

 John 13:1-17 


It was the beginning of our Passover meal, 

And Jesus’ actions puzzled me: 

He picked up a towel and basin 

And started to wash our feet! 

I asked Him why He would wash my feet; 

He just came to me and knelt down low. 

As usual, I blurted out my first thoughts, 

I refused Him—I said, “No!” 

I just couldn’t let Him wash my feet, 

This was a scenario that should not be; 

He changed my mind with what He said next, 

“If I don’t wash you, you won’t belong to me.” 

So again I said what came to mind

“Wash my head, wash my hands.” 

Only my feet, then I’d be clean, 

I couldn’t really understand. 

It was a profound moment

We were all unnerved 

Jesus taught us with His example 

That we were also called to serve. 

The servant is not greater than the master

An object lesson for us from Him. 

We were to humbly help others. 

“You know these things, now do them.” 

It was a lesson I never forgot

His sacrificial love and humility. 

He preached and taught with words each day, 

But He also lived His love for all to see.

I have heard the story of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet so often that I fear sometimes I just gloss over the message here. Yes, Jesus was a humble servant. It’s good to revisit familiar stories. I’m not surprised when I read this one, it seems so typical of Jesus. But what about the disciples? Imagine their surprise when Jesus started doing a task that they felt was too demeaning for even themselves to do. Imagine their surprise when they looked back on this scene later and remembered that Jesus had washed Judas’s feet! Sometimes I enjoy serving, doing something nice for others that makes me feel better about myself. Or maybe it brings attention to what a nice person I am. Am I willing to serve in a way that demands a real sacrifice? Am I willing to help anyone in need, not just those I consider deserving? Is it fine if no one but God knows? Does my servant’s heart look like Jesus’s heart?

Lord, make me like You. You came to serve. Make me a willing and humble servant, too. May others see you in me. And Lord, wash and make me clean.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 7

 Mark 14.11


Our problem’s solved! O happy day!

One of His own has agreed to betray 

He’ll hand Him over, we’re delighted to pay

Betrayal by a friend, there’s no better way 

I love to judge the Scribes and Pharisees. I love to hate their sinful ways! Apparently, with few exceptions, they were self-serving hypocrites, they held themselves up as perfect and imposed their standards on others. They ignored Jesus’s teaching and tried to get Him in trouble. They disregarded His miracles. They had one objective where Jesus was concerned and that was to get rid of Him. Oh yes, it’s easy to judge them. But I must ask myself, Am I so different? Do I wear a false face at times? Do I expect others to live by my rules? Do I judge others by comparing my performance with theirs? Do I skip over parts of Jesus’s teaching that make me uncomfortable or that call me to do something I don’t want to do? Do I overlook things Jesus does in my life daily and take them for granted? I pray that God will reveal and heal the Pharisee in me.

Lord, we don’t why Judas betrayed you, whether he was simply evil and greedy or whether he had political motives. Forgive me, Lord, for the times I betray You, the times I try to make Your will line up with mine instead of the other way around, the times I ignore Your will altogether. And please help me to watch out for the people I’m in cahoots with, may I not be swayed to follow the crowd if the crowd is not following You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

Monday 13 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 6

 Matthew 26.14-16


I thought Jesus would help our cause

I want the Romans overthrown 

I’d hope He was the Messiah 

It’s time He made Himself known 

Instead He keeps getting in trouble 

Every day it’s something new 

What if they suspect His disciples 

Are guilty of heresy, too?

It’s time someone did something!

Someone has to take control 

I’ll go and talk to the Pharisees 

Ten pieces, twenty, thirty, SOLD!

It hurts to be betrayed by anyone, but no betrayal hurts more than that of a friend. Judas, Jesus' close companion of three years, chose to secretly himself with avowed enemies of Jesus. How did Judas reach the point of turning Jesus over to the chief priests and Pharisees for some silver? It’s impossible for us to know. Some speculate that it was pure greed, after all, he had dipped into the group’s treasury at times. Others think that as a militant, he was frustrated that Jesus wasn’t doing anything (as far as he could see) to deliver the Jews and thought his betrayal would force Jesus to act. There may be still other possible explanations. I guess the bottom line is not why he did it, but that he did it. He’s a reminder to me that putting anything above God, my greed or my personal philosophy, is betrayal. It hurts Jesus and, when I can see things as they really are, it will hurt me, too.

Lord, help me not to betray You by putting anything above You. Help me trust You in all things.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Friday 10 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 5

 Luke 20

(A disciple)

The crowds gathered daily round Jesus 

He taught boldly for all to hear 

It didn’t matter who was listening 

He spoke with no hesitation or fear

The scribes and Pharisees came

They listened carefully to Him

They hoped to find charges to level 

And Jesus minced no words with them.

I wondered if Jesus should be more careful 

A little more hesitant to speak 

It seemed He had a lot to teach us 

And He wanted to get it taught this week 

He often told challenging parables 

Stories that made the Pharisees look bad 

They’d listen with interest, 

Then realize the point, and you can believe they were mad!

They asked theological questions

There were political ones, too

They hoped to get Jesus in trouble

With the Romans or His fellow Jews

But  Jesus always outsmarted them

He was always one step ahead 

He answered with truth and wisdom 

And they looked bad instead.

I’m sure this made them more angry 

They were simply no match for Him

In these theological face-offs

They were never going to win

Jesus knew they were out to get Him

But He didn’t seem afraid

He wanted the truth to be heard

And grasped regardless of the price to be paid

Matthew 26.1-5

(The Priests)

We’ve got to get rid of Jesus

This troublemaker must go!

But we don’t want a riot on our hands

So His followers must not know

After the Passover is finished

And the crowds have dispersed and gone

We’ll find a chance to have Him killed

Our problems will be over and done!

I’m afraid that if I knew people were devising a plot to harm me, I’d try not to anger them. Perhaps I’d just avoid them, at least in volatile situations. Not Jesus, He was 100% honest and didn’t worry about popular opinion or danger to Himself. He loved the people too much to leave them ignorant of God’s kingdom. I want to have the courage to speak up and stand for what is right regardless of consequences. It’s God’s opinions that matter, not popular opinion. 

Lord, help me to be authentic and honest, not concerned about what people think of me but about pleasing You. Give me boldness to share Your Truth. And, Lord, guard me from trying to force You into a mould to fit my theology. Forgive me for choosing my will over Yours. Remind me that You, not I, are God.

In Jesus’s name, Amen 

Thursday 9 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 4

 Mark 11:15-18 

(A Jew in the Temple) 

I was in the Temple on business 

making arrangements for my sacrifice; 

I had to exchange money 

and buy a dove at the officials’ inflated price. 

The whole process was expensive; 

that didn’t seem right to me; 

There was little regard for the poor man’s plight, 

not from the priests or the Pharisees. 

Suddenly there was a great commotion, 

I heard an angry voice. 

The voice of an irate visitor 

that rose above the market noise! 

He knocked over the tables of merchants, 

He seemed genuinely grieved. 

He said, “God’s Temple is a house of prayer, 

but you’ve made it a den of thieves.” 

He upended the stalls of doves, 

there was no stopping Him

His very heart was broken 

to witness the cheaters’ din. 

The chief priests were stunned, amazed

of course, they were angry, too. 

No one had ever dared speak against them

just this one renegade Jew. 

Yes, the man caused a lot of confusion, 

The man? Jesus was His name. 

And somehow I knew within me 

That day something significant had changed. 

(A Priest) 

His acts are outrageous, His words insulting

“A den of thieves,” He said. 

We’ve known we wanted to be rid of Him

we know what we want, we want Him dead! 

Questions He wouldn’t answer, 

ultimatums He’d defy. 

Certainly you can see what we saw

this rabble-rousing man must die! 

We don’t see many instances of Jesus expressing intense anger in the Gospels. When Jesus saw what the money changers and priests were doing in God’s name and in God’s House, He was irate! His Father and His Father’s House were being disrespected. Too often when I’m angry, it’s because someone has offended me. Not Jesus, it wasn’t about Himself, but the Father. I want to be more like Jesus. I don’t want to waste my anger on trivial, selfish things. I want to act like my Father’s child and care about the things He cares about. 

May the things that upset You upset me, the things that grieve You, grieve me. Open my eyes to see things through Your eyes, from Your perspective. May I revere You and worship You with humility and gratitude. You are a holy God, worthy of praise and reverence. 

In Jesus's name, Amen.

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 3

 John 12:12-19 

(A Bystander in the Crowd) 

I was in the crowd that day

the day Jesus came into town. 

He came in riding a young donkey, 

no white horse or regal crown. 

Everyone wanted to see Him, 

there was excitement in the air. 

The man who’d raised a dead man rode in humbly

no pomp, no flair. 

He’d done mighty works before us,

He said He’d come to seek and to save. 

Everything seemed to climax 

when He called Lazarus from the grave! 

There have been so many miracles, 

so much that He has done. 

Could this man on the back of a donkey 

be God’s Messiah, the Holy One? 

We were waving our coats and branches,

we laid them before Him on the ground. 

We were calling out loud hosannas

you’ve never heard such joyful sounds! 

What a way to start Passover,

surely He must be the King,

He’d never let us call Him that, 

but He’s done such miraculous things. 

Hosanna in the highest, 

Let our praises reach the sky! 

Hosanna in the highest, 

The King of Glory is passing by! 

Luke 19:39-40 

(A Pharisee) 

What a disturbing display, 

things have gotten out of hand. 

So many shouting Jesus’ praise

not just his own small, motley band. 

We told Jesus to stop them, 

to stop their cheers and shouts. 

He said the strangest thing

if they stopped, the very rocks would cry out! 

Yes, things are out of control

this is the first large outburst we’ve had. 

We’d better think of something fast 

before the whole city goes mad. 

Somehow we’ve got to stop Him, 

but this crowd must never know. 

He speaks with such authority

He’s messing up the status quo! 

I wonder how Jesus felt as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. He had never allowed the crowds to call Him King, but today He didn’t stop their cries of “Hosanna.” I wonder if He found pleasure in their praise, or if instead He was saddened to realize that in a few days those cries of “Hosanna!” would change to cries of “Crucify!” How amazing that Jesus loves us, His fickle children, enough to lay down His perfect life for us! He loves us just as we are. 

Lord, may my praise be honest and joyful. May I praise You for Who You are and not for who I want You to be. May my life song be strains of “Hallelujah” and never cries of “Crucify!” And please mess up my status quo when I stray from You. Amen.

Tuesday 7 March 2023

Lent 23 post 2

 John 11.54, 12.1-8


Because the Pharisees devised their plots

They wanted to see Jesus die

He and His disciples left Jerusalem

Avoiding attention and the public eye

Six days before the Passover

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus

He wanted quality time with them

Mary, whom Jesus loved dearly

Quietly entered the room

She bowed before her Master

And anointed His feet with precious perfume

After she gently bathed His feet

She dried them with her hair

Rarely has such tenderness been shown

As in the fragrant sacrifice there

Judas rebuked her for her foolishness

Many were poor, why waste this wealth

(The poor weren’t really his concern

He'd have liked the money for himself)

Jesus quickly came to her defence

He told Judas to leave her alone

There would always be the poor

He praised Mary for what she had done

She’d prepared Him for His burial

He knew what was coming soon

He needed the love she offered

Precious Mary and her sweet perfume



Sometimes I’m stingy with my time, my resources, and my talents. Oh yes, I want to serve Jesus, but I don’t really want to be inconvenienced. Does following Jesus cost me anything? Do I love Him more than I love things? More than I love comfort? Jesus gave up everything for me. Do I desire to please Him, to bring Him joy, to demonstrate my love for Him? Do I indulge the Lord or myself?



Help me, like Mary, to love You with an extravagant love. If I comprehend the love You have lavished on me, the only honest response I can have is to love you fiercely. Your love was a sacrificial love, may I be willing to get out of my comfort zone and love You sacrificially. May there be nothing I treasure more than You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Monday 6 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 1

 John 11.43-53


Jesus had always gotten on our nerves

With His unconventional ways and disrespect

He contradicted our teaching, even insulted us

We, the upper echelon of our sect!


But this thing with Lazarus, raising the dead

Jesus, this time You’ve gone too far!

You’re confusing and misleading our people

Just who do You think You are?


What if the nation followed Him?

We couldn’t just leave Him alone.

Our Temple and nation might be destroyed

By retribution from Rome


And so as high priest, head of the council,

I felt entitled to make the call

Israel must be saved from Rome

Let this one man die for all



And so these words were prophetic

Though Caiaphas didn’t understand

Not just Israel, but all God’s people

Were saved by the sacrifice of this one man

Yes, the plot was set in motion

Before Passover even began

The Pharisees thought they were in control

But everything was in God’s hand




Lazarus lay dead in a tomb. Jesus stood before that tomb and called out, “Lazarus, come forth!” And out Lazarus walked! One would think that such a miracle would convince all who saw it to believe that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. Many did believe. Strangely, some chose to report the event to the Pharisees. When they heard, instead of saying, “Perhaps He is who He says He is, how could anyone other than God restore life to the dead,” they were alarmed and wanted to get rid of Jesus. Perish the thought that Jesus might upstage them or that Rome might investigate this troublemaker. At first glance, their obstinacy seems unthinkable! But if I’m honest with myself, am I sometimes like them? Do I seek to align my will with God’s will or do I remain a slave to my own agenda? Am I open to God when He shows me something new?



Lord, sometimes I think I know how things should work out. Then I try to make things happen according to my plan. Help me not to be so wrapped up in my own agenda that I fail to see the truth. Forgive me when I seek my will without even thinking about Yours.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

Sunday 5 March 2023

Listen to the Saviour

 When your faith lies shattered, broken

Listen, listen to the Saviour 

When you're walking, going nowhere 

Listen, listen to the Saviour 

When your Bible's all a puzzle 

Listen, listen to the Saviour 

When you're lost, just speculating 

Listen, listen to the Saviour 

When you've reached your destination 

Listen, listen to the Saviour 

When you're ready to be eating 

Listen, listen to the Saviour 

When you're sure at last you've heard him 

Quickly! Run and tell the others 

He's Messiah! He is risen!

Trust him! Jesus is the Saviour