Tuesday 21 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 12

Matthew 26.45-56, Luke 22.51, John 18.1-11

Jesus awakened His disciples 

Get up. The hour is at hand 

And though a mob was approaching 

Jesus seemed strangely in command 

The matter had been settled in the garden 

He was committed to His Father’s will

He'd submit to unspeakable horrors 

Scripture’s prophecy would be fulfilled 

But what about His captors?

They’d remember this night well

So many different perspectives 

So many stories to tell 


I’ve been His disciple three years 

It’s finally come to this

I’ve given up on Jesus 

So I betrayed Him with a kiss

(Roman Soldier)

We approached this man called Jesus 

He asked Whom do you seek

I expected Him to cower in dread and fear

But He was calm and bold, not weak

He stood before us with dignity 

As we all crowded around 

And when He answered I am He

We all fell to the ground 

What kind of power is this

With His words we all fell down?

He had an air of authority 

Even when tied and bound

The whole scene was surreal 

One I can’t seem to forget 

He was just a Jewish nobody 

That’s what we believed, and yet


Even now He plagues us with questions 

I taught in the Temple in broad daylight 

So why come out to the Mount of Olives?

Why the swords in the dark of night 

But He already knows the answer 

It’s no mystery to Him

The crowd is enthralled with His teaching 

We can’t risk a revolt from them 

Finally, we’ll soon be rid of Him

And things will be like before 

They’ll forget about this man called Jesus 

And respect our hierarchy even more 


Jesus told me I’d deny Him

Not just one time or two but three!

Facing imminent danger 

I’d prove that He could count on me

As the crowd was approaching 

And a priest’s servant came near 

I drew my sword for Jesus!

I cut off the young man’s ear

But Jesus didn’t react as I’d expected 

He told me to put away my sword 

He would do as the Father commanded 

We base our lives on the will of the Lord 

He said He could call the angels 

And thousands would come instantly 

But then how would Scripture be fulfilled?

Who would carry out His destiny?


This appeared to be a peaceful group 

I saw no reason to fear 

But suddenly a sword was drawn 

Down it came, sliced off my ear!

At first I was in shock 

But then I felt the pain 

Then Jesus touched where my ear had been 

And I was whole again 

What made Jesus do this

For His enemy, His foe?

Why Jesus would care for me right now 

Is something I’ll never know 

I wonder. . .

And so the disciples ran away

Leaving Him alone to face His pain

This is a crucial time in history 

The time when the power of darkness reigned

Can you imagine the drama of this encounter? There is something so powerful in Jesus’s simple words, I am He, that the soldiers fall to the ground. Shortly after, they witness Jesus heal the severed ear of a man accompanying them. Yet they simply proceed with their mission to arrest this powerful healer. They seem unfazed by His demeanour. That’s hard to fathom, but I suspect that there are times when Jesus reveals Himself to me and I just go on with business as usual, determined to carry out my plans for the day. I pray that God will open my eyes to His majesty and that I will not ignore it but behold that majesty and be transformed by it.

Lord, don’t let me forget how You were treated and what You suffered, unfair on every level. The disciples ran away in fear, help me not to desert You when I face hard times. The arresting mob fell down at the power of Your voice and witnessed a healing miracle, but they simply proceeded with their cruel plot. May I never look at what You did for me, and do for me, with indifference. Confront me with Your love and Your power and open my eyes so that I respond with awe and adoration.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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