Thursday 23 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 14

 Matthew 27.3-5, Luke 22.54-62




For thirty pieces of silver

I betrayed the Master

An innocent man is going to die

This is a disaster!




I heard the rooster crowing!

Oh no, what have I done?

Jesus had said I’d deny Him three times

Before the morning sun!

I was sure of my loyalty to Him

I didn’t believe it was true

But around the fire three different times

I denied He was someone I knew

I remembered when I heard the rooster

At that moment Jesus walked by

When He turned and looked at me

All I could do was cry

I ran away immediately

Alone I shed bitter tears

I had forsaken my Lord and Master

I’d never known such sorrowful fear

I’ve wept so hard there are no tears left

I am a broken man

Can Jesus ever forgive me?

Will He love and trust me again?



Two traitors, one couldn’t live with his guilt and committed suicide, the other wept bitterly over his guilt and ran from the scene. I think it’s safe to assume he prayed in repentance. The first lay dead, forever to be remembered as Judas who betrayed Jesus. The other went on to be the leader of the early church! We all let Jesus down at times, the key is to repent and let Him restore us. He wants our obedience, but when we fail He wants to forgive us and to lead us into a deeper walk with Him.



Lord, sometimes when I read about Peter’s betrayal, I think I’d never do that. But, unfortunately, I know that’s not true. Forgive me for the times I act like I don’t know You, times when strangers might interact with me and have no idea that I’m a Christian. Help me never to be ashamed of You. But when I fall You, and I will, may I be quick to repent and confess my sin to You. Thank You that You’re a forgiving, merciful, second-chance God.

In Jesus’s name, Amen


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