Tuesday 7 March 2023

Lent 23 post 2

 John 11.54, 12.1-8


Because the Pharisees devised their plots

They wanted to see Jesus die

He and His disciples left Jerusalem

Avoiding attention and the public eye

Six days before the Passover

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus

He wanted quality time with them

Mary, whom Jesus loved dearly

Quietly entered the room

She bowed before her Master

And anointed His feet with precious perfume

After she gently bathed His feet

She dried them with her hair

Rarely has such tenderness been shown

As in the fragrant sacrifice there

Judas rebuked her for her foolishness

Many were poor, why waste this wealth

(The poor weren’t really his concern

He'd have liked the money for himself)

Jesus quickly came to her defence

He told Judas to leave her alone

There would always be the poor

He praised Mary for what she had done

She’d prepared Him for His burial

He knew what was coming soon

He needed the love she offered

Precious Mary and her sweet perfume



Sometimes I’m stingy with my time, my resources, and my talents. Oh yes, I want to serve Jesus, but I don’t really want to be inconvenienced. Does following Jesus cost me anything? Do I love Him more than I love things? More than I love comfort? Jesus gave up everything for me. Do I desire to please Him, to bring Him joy, to demonstrate my love for Him? Do I indulge the Lord or myself?



Help me, like Mary, to love You with an extravagant love. If I comprehend the love You have lavished on me, the only honest response I can have is to love you fiercely. Your love was a sacrificial love, may I be willing to get out of my comfort zone and love You sacrificially. May there be nothing I treasure more than You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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