Thursday 16 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 9

 Matthew 26.26-29, 1 Corinthians 11.23-26


There was a sombre mood that night 

We couldn’t fully comprehend 

Somehow things were changing 

The beginning of an end

Jesus, the bread of life 

Would be broken on the cross 

Forgiveness of sin is free to us

But it came at extravagant cost 

He would give His life for us

His blood He’d freely shed

He'd suffer on the cruel cross

And hang till He was dead

He knew the time was drawing near

So He altered the ritual that night 

He blessed the bread and cup of wine 

And began a new covenant rite

In retrospect, we'd understand 

It would be embedded in our memory

When you eat this bread and drink this wine 

Do so in memory of me

Here is another familiar story, but what a precious story it is. Jesus has prepared the meal, He invites me to partake. He simply asks that I remember, remember that He gave His life and shed His blood for me. Though we celebrate communion each month in my church, each meal should be a fresh and reflective experience for me, never merely a routine ceremony.

Lord, let me never forget, or overlook or take for granted, Your great sacrifice for me. Forgive me when the way I live seems to deny You and Your great gift. Don’t let me forget!

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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