Friday 17 March 2023

Lent 2023 Post 10

Matthew 26.31-35




Jesus said we’ll all desert Him

I can’t believe that this is true

I don’t know who else I’d follow

I don’t know what else I’d do

I promised that I’d stay with Him

That where He went I’d go

He said I’d deny Him

Three times before the next rooster's crow

How could He say that?

Absurd! I think He’s wrong

I must set my mind to follow

I must determine to be strong

All the others agree with me

Every single one

We love Jesus and we’ll follow

We won’t desert Him and leave Him alone



Thank God for Peter. He lost his temper, sometimes he blurted out nonsense without thinking, he corrected Jesus, he was bold enough to walk on water, but then looked away from Jesus and fell in, he denied, with an oath, even knowing Jesus. Yet with all his rough edges, Jesus chose him as part of His inner circle. He said the keys of the kingdom belonged to Peter. Peter was the leader of the first church. Yes, I thank God that, through Peter, I am reassured that I don’t have to be perfect to be loved and used by God. Peter shows me that God understands our frailty but knows our hearts and floods us with unconditional love. Oh Lord, smooth out my rough edges.



Forgive me for my weakness, Lord, and forgive me for underestimating that weakness. How many times have I thought I’d be obedient and failed? How many times have I enjoyed a sin, knowing while I was doing it that it was wrong? And how many times have I relied on my own strength to resist temptation rather than on Yours? I know I can’t live like I want to on my own, Lord. Remind me to rely on You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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