Wednesday 22 March 2023

Lent 2023 post 13

 John 18.12-14, Matthew 26.57-68


First to Annas, then to me 

Then on to the Sanhedrin at dawn 

We were just going through the motions 

The verdict already agreed upon 

Our gathering was against our Jewish laws 

We weren’t supposed to meet at night 

But we wanted Him dead before the Sabbath 

No time to wait for daylight 

It was hard to produce any evidence 

We had witnesses willing to lie 

But their stories kept conflicting 

And the time was passing by 

Even with all the stories and lies 

No confirmed charges were heard 

And Jesus just stood there quietly

Never uttering a word

Finally I could stand it no longer 

Are you the Son of God?

At last He spoke, it is as you say 

I yelled and declared Him a fraud 

Blasphemy! Blasphemy!

I tore my clothes in mock grief 

Actually what I really felt

Was a secret sense of relief 

We finally had a charge to present 

His claim to be a king

Pilate would have to listen to us 

Sedition is a serious thing

Jesus claimed to be Messiah 

So we put Him in His place 

Before we left to go to Pilate 

We hit Him with fists and spit in His face

Then we bound Him to Pilate 

This was a case he’d have to try 

We had to have the approval of Rome 

To sentence Jesus to die

And death was what we wanted 

Nothing less would do 

We wanted to rid the nation 

Of this exasperating Jew

Things that are unfair really annoy me. Everything about Jesus’s trial before Caiaphas was rigged and unfair. The Sanhedrin broke their own laws and held the trial by night. They sought false witnesses and when those witnesses’ stories didn’t agree, they trumped up new charges. This was a mock trial, the end was determined before the start. How could they have been so conniving and blind?

Then once again, their actions prompt me to examine myself. Am I ever so determined to hold onto my view and do things the way we’ve always done them that I refuse to consider another side? Do I ever blindly assume that the ends justify the means? Do I hold on tightly to preconceived notions and fail to listen to Jesus’s voice? I pray that the Pharisee in me won’t betray the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Lord, life is unfair. I get upset and offended when I’m treated unfairly. Everything about Your trial was rigged, but You never complained or got defensive. You were silent. Forgive me for thinking I’m entitled to fairness all the time. Forgive me for my Why me? moments, for my It’s not fair! moments. During those times when I am mistreated or falsely accused, show me how I should react, when I should speak up and when I should be quiet. And, Lord, may my life never bear false witness about You.

In Jesus’s name, Amen

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